ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION ‘C’For SSC and Other Competitive Exams.

One Words Substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams these previous years One Words Substitution help you in cracking exam.

List Of One Word Substitution‘C’

  • Cabby- a taxi driver
  • Cache- a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons)
  • Cacography- a poor hand writing
  • Cacophony- loud confusing disagreeable sounds
  • Cadaverous- of or relating to a cadaver or corpse
  • Cage- a house in which animals/birds are kept 
  • Cajolement- making somebody do something by talking to him and being very nice to him
  • Calcivorous- erode / eat limestone
  • Calculative- used for persons– the most calculating and selfish men
  • Calculus- the branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions
  • Calibre- a degree or grade of excellence or worth
  • Calligrapher- someone skilled in penmanship (calligraphy beautiful writing done with a special pen/brush)
  • Calligraphy- beautiful handwriting that you do with a special pen/brush.
  • Callous- not caring about other people’s feelings or suffering
  • Calmative- having a sedative effect.
  • Calumny- slander aspersion
  • Camouflage- The disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings
  • Canicide- the killing of a dog
  • Canine- connected with dogs
  • Cannery- a factory where food is canned
  • Cannibal- a person who eats human flesh  
  • Canophilia- love for dogs
  • Capable- (usually followed by ‘of’) having capacity or ability
  • Capacity- the maximum production possible
  • Capitalist- a person who supports the fact that a country’s businesses and industry are controlled and run by private owners rather than by the government
  • Capsize- overturn accidentally
  • Captor- a person who captures a person/ an animal and keeps him/it as a prisoner
  • Caravan- a covered vehicle, used for living by gypsies
  • Carcass- The dead body of an animal
  • Cardiologist- A doctor who specializes in the study or treatment of heart diseases
  • Cardiology- the study and treatment of heart diseases
  • Carefree- having no worries/reponsibilities
  • Caricature- a funny drawing/ picture of somebody that
  • exaggerates- some of his features
  • Carnivore- eats the flesh of other animals (animal)
  • Carnivorous- animals that eat meat
  • Carol- a Christian religious song sung at Christmas
  • Cartographer- a person who draws or makes maps
  • Cartography- the art or process of drawing or making maps
  • Cartoon- an amusing drawing about politics/events in the news
  • Cascade- a succession of stages or operations or processes or units
  • Castigation- severe punishment
  • Catalogue- a complete list of items, for example, of things that people can look at/buy
  • Catastrophe- a sudden violent change in the earth’s surface
  • Catharsis (psychoanalysis)- purging of emotional tensions
  • Cathedral- the main church of a district, under the care of a bishop (a priest of high rank)
  • Caustic- biting sarcastic
  • Cavalier- a courtly gentle man, especially one acting as a lady’s escort
  • Cavalry- the part of the army that fought on horses (in the past) // the part of the modern army that uses armoured vehicles
  • Cave- a large hole in the side of a hill/under the ground
  • Ceasefire- a time when enemies agree to stop fighting
  • Cede- relinquish possession or control over
  • Celestial- of the sky/ heaven
  • Celibacy- the state of living unmarried
  • Celibate- a person who has chosen not to marry
  • Cellar- an underground room often used for storing things (wine, salt, etc.)
  • Celsius- using a scale of temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100°
  • Cemetry- an area of land used for burying dead people, especially one that is not beside a church
  • Cenotaph- a monument built in memory of soldiers killed in war who are buried somewhere else
  • Centenarian- a person who is a 100 years old or more
  • Centenary- the 100th anniversary of an event
  • Centennial- the 100th anniversary of an event
  • Centipede- a small, long, thin animal with many legs
  • Centrifugal- anything tending to move away from center
  • Centripetal- tending to move toward a center
  • Centurion- an army officer who commanded a 100 soldiers (in ancient Rome)
  • Century- a period of a 100 years
  • Cereal- made of grain or relating to grain or the plants that produce it
  • Ceremony- any activity that is performed in an especially solemn elaborate or formal way
  • Cerography- the art of engraving on a waxed plate on which a printing surface is created by electrotyping
  • Certificate- an official document that may be used for proving that the facts it states are true
  • Certitude- total certainty or greater certainty than circumstances warrant
  • Cessation- a stopping
  • Chafe- rub a part of the body to restore warmth or sensation
  • Chagrin- vexation for humiliation of disappointment
  • Chairman- the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization
  • Chalcocite- a heavy grey mineral that is an ore of copper
  • Chalet- a wooden house with a sloping roof, usually built in mountain areas, in Switzerland
  • Chamois- hoofed mammal of mountains of Eurasia having upright horns with backward
  • Chandler- a maker (and seller) of candles and soap and oils and
  • paints
  • Changeable- such that alteration is possible
  • Changeling- a child who is believed to have been secretly left in exchange for another
  • Chaotic- lacking a visible order or organization
  • Chapel- a small building/ room used for Christian worship in a school, prison, large private house, etc.
  • Chaperon- one who accompanies and supervises a young woman or gatherings of young people
  • Chaplain- a priest or other Christian minister who is responsible for the religious needs of people in a prison, hospital etc. or in the armed forces
  • Charge- a impetuous rush toward someone or something
  • Charger- a horse that a soldier rode in battle in the past
  • Chariot- a light four  
  • Charisma- compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire or influence others
  • Charismatic- exercising a compelling charm which inspires
  • devotion in others
  • Charlatan- a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill
  • Chartered Accountant- a fully trained and qualified accountant
  • Chassis- the base frame of car or other wheel vehicle
  • Chaste- pure 
  • Chastise- censure severely
  • Chauffeur- a person whose job is to drive a car, especially for somebody rich/important
  • Chauvinism- fanatical patriotism
  • Chauvinist- a blindly devoted patriot
  • Cheap- relatively low in price or charging low prices
  • Cheat- to deceive /fool/trick
  • Chemotherapy- the treatment of disease (cancer) with the use of chemical substances
  • Chew- to bite continuously
  • Chide- to criticize/ blame /scold
  • Child- a young person of either sex
  • Chirography- another name for calligraphy
  • Choir- a group of people who sing together (in church services/ public performances)
  • Chore- a routine task, especially a household one
  • Choreography- the act of designing and arranging the steps
  • Chronic- difficult to care or get rid of // lasting for a long
  • Chronicle- a record or narrative description of past events  
  • Chronological- arranged in the order in which they happened (events)
  • Chronometer- an instrument for measuring time accurately in spite of motion or variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure.
  • Chum- bait consisting of chopped fish and fish oils that are dumped overboard to attract fish
  • Church- a place of worship of the Christians
  • Churlish- rude in a mean-spirited and surly way
  • Chutzpah- extreme self-confidence or audacity
  • Cinch- an extremely easy task.
  • Circulatory- relating to circulatory system or to circulation of the blood
  • Circumcenter- the point at which the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle intersect and which is equidistant from the three vertices
  • Circumlocution- using more words than are necessary instead of speaking or writing in a clear/direct way.
  • Circumscription- the act of restricting 
  • Circumspection- knowing how to avoid distress
  • Circumstantial- containing information and details that strongly suggest that something is true but do not prove it
  • Circumvent- avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
  • Circumvention- the act of escaping by going around
  • Citadel- a fortress typically one on high ground above a city
  • Citizen- a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country
  • Civilization- a society, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time/in a particular part of the world
  • Clamorous- making a loud and confused noise
  • Clamour- loud and persistent outcry from many people
  • Clandestine- conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
  • Clarity- easy to understand
  • Claustrophobia- an extreme fear of being in a small confined place  
  • Clavierist- a musician who plays the clavier.
  • Clement- (used of persons or behavior) inclined to show mercy
  • Clergy- in Christianity, clergymen collectively (as distinguished from the laity)
  • Cleverness- intelligence
  • Client- a person who uses the services/ advice of a professional person/ organization
  • Clientele- customers collectively
  • Climatology- meteorology of climates and their phenomena
  • Clincher- a tool used to clinch nails or bolts or rivets
  • Clinker- a hard brick used as a paving stone
  • Clinophobia- fear of beds or going to bed
  • Cloakroom- a room in a public building where people can leave coats, bags, etc. for a time
  • Closure- the situation when a factory, school, hospital, etc. shuts permanently
  • Clout- influence or power, especially in politics or business  
  • Clung- to adhere closely
  • Coach- a carriage pulled by four horses with one driver
  • Coarse- conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
  • Coarseness- the quality of lacking taste and refinement  
  • Cocktail- an appetizer served as a first course at a meal
  • Cocktail- a drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks and fruit juice
  • Codicil- an instruction that is added later to a will, usually to change a part of it
  • Codify- organize into a code or system, such as a body of law
  • Coefficient- a constant number that serves as a measure of some property or characteristic
  • Coerce- compel to force to make obedient
  • Coercion- the action of making somebody do something that he does not want to do, using force or threatening
  • Coffer- a large strong box, used in the past for storing money/ valuable objects
  • Coffle- a group of animals, prisoners, or slaves chained together in a line
  • Cohere- have internal elements or parts logically connected so that aesthetic consistency results
  • Coherence- logical and orderly and consistent relation of parts
  • Coin- Collector a collector and student of money – collects coins with the aim to complete sets of coins
  • Coincidence- a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection
  • Coir rough material made from the shells of coconuts, used
  • for making ropes, for covering flowers, etc.
  • Cold-War a state of political hostility between countries using means short of armed warfare
  • Colleague- a person that one work with at the same place, in a profession or a business
  • Collier- a ship that carries coal  
  • Colloquy- mutual discourse
  • Colony- a country or an area that is governed by people from another, more powerful country
  • Colossal- so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
  • Colosus- A gigantic statue
  • Comet- a mass of ice and dust that moves around the sun and looks like a bright star with a tail
  • Commemorate- to remind people of an important person/ event from the past with a special action/ object
  • Commence- take the first step or steps in carrying out an action
  • Commensurate- to match something in size, importance, quality, etc.
  • Commiserate- to show sympathy when somebody is upset/ disappointed
  • Commission- money given to agent on sales
  • Common- having no special distinction or quality
  • Common- belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole public
  • Communicate- to exchange information, news, ideas, etc.
  • Communist- a person who believes in or supports living together
  • and sharing possessions and responsibilities
  • Community- a group of people having common interests, living in the same locality and under the same government
  • Companion- a person who travels/ spends a lot of time with you
  • Company- a group of persons firm, business enterprise
  • Compass- an instrument for finding directions
  • Compassion- a deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering
  • Compatriot- a person who was born in, as a citizen of, the same country as somebody else
  • Compatriots- a fellow citizen or national of a country.
  • Compere- British term for someone who introduces television
  • acts or cabarets etc.
  • Complacent- too satisfied with yourself or with a situation
  • Complaisant- trying to please  
  • Complex- complicated
  • Complicity- the act of taking with another person in a crime
  • Compliment- a remark (or act) expressing praise and admiration  
  • Complimentary- conveying or resembling a compliment  
  • Compositor- one who sets written material into type
  • Compositor- a person who arranges text on a page before printing
  • Compromise- an agreement made between two people or groups
  • Compulsorily- that must be done because of a law or a rule
  • Comrades- friends
  • Conceited- having too much pride in yourself and what you do
  • Conceivable- capable of being imagined or grasped mentally
  • Concentration- the ability to direct all your effort and attention on one thing
  • Concentric- having a common center
  • Concept- an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances
  • Concision- terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words
  • Concluding- Speech said at the end of something as a conclusion to what happened
  • Concoct- invent, prepare by mixing together
  • Concubinage- living together (as spouses) without being legally married
  • Concubine- a woman who cohabits with an important man
  • Condiment- a preparation (a sauce or relish or spice) to enhance flavor or enjoyment
  • Consciousness- the state of being able to use your senses and mental powers to understand what is happening
  • Conservative- holding to traditional attitudes and values and
  • cautious about change or innovation // a person who is opposed to great/sudden social change
  • Conservatory- a room with glass walls and a glass roof that is built on the side of a house
  • Console- comfort someone at a time of grief or disappointment
  • Consolidate- unite into one
  • Conspicuous- Clearly visible // likely to attract attention
  • Constellation- a group of stars that forms a shape in the sky and has a name
  • Consternation- worried, sad feeling after you have received
  • Constipated- unable to get rid of waste material from the bowels easily
  • Constrained- Appearing forced or overly controlled
  • Constriction- a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel  
  • Construed- to understand the meaning of a word, a sentence or an action in a particular way
  • Consummate- extremely skilled
  • Contagious- easily spread from one person to another (disease)
  • Contaminated- something made impure by exposure to polluting substances
  • Contemplate- consider as a possibility
  • Contemporaries- belonging to the same time
  • Contemporary- belonging to the same time
  • Contempt- the feeling that somebody/ something is without value and deserves no respect at all
  • Contender- the contestant you hope to defeat  
  • Contented- someone who is satisfied with life is general
  • Contingency- an event that may/may not happen
  • Continuum- a series of similar items in which each is almost the same as the ones next to it but the last is very different from the first
  • Contraband- goods that are illegally taken into or out of a country
  • Contract- an official written agreement
  • Contraction- the process of becoming smaller
  • Contrary- resistant to guidance or discipline
  • Contributory- tending to bring about
  • Controversy- a dispute where there is strong disagreement
  • Convalescent- a man who is recovering from illness.
  • Convent- a place where nuns live and work  
  • Convention- the way in which something is done that most people in a society expect and consider to be polite/the right way to do it
  • Conventionalist- advocacy of or conformity to that which is established
  • Convergence- the act of converging (coming closer)
  • Conversant- knowing about something
  • Conviction- the act of finding somebody guilty of a crime in court
  • Convivial- occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company
  • Copse- a dense growth of bushes
  • Copy- a thing that is made to be the same as something else (a document or a work of art)
  • Copyright- the legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale/distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work
  • Coquette- a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men
  • Cordial- warm and sincere
  • Coronation- ceremony of crowning a king
  • Corporal- a petty officer.
  • Corporate- organized and maintained as a legal corporation
  • Corpse- a dead body (human)  
  • Corpsing- spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one’s lines/ laughing uncontrollably
  • Corrigendum- a printer’s error to be corrected
  • Corroborate- to provide evidence/ information that supports a statement
  • Corruption- dishonest/ illegal behaviour (of people in authority)
  • Cortege- a line of cars/people moving along slowly at a funeral
  • Cosmesis- the preservation, restoration or bestowing of bodily beauty
  • Cosmetician- one whose occupation is manufacturing, selling or applying cosmetics.
  • Cosmocrat- ruler/leader of the whole world
  • Cosmography- science of the constitution of the whole universe
  • Cosmopolitan- a person who has the experience of many different parts of the world
  • Coterie- a small group of people who have the same interests and do things together but do not like to include others
  • Cough Syrup- a liquid medicine that you take for a cough
  • Council- a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a city or a district, etc.
  • Councilor- a member of a council
  • Counsellor- someone who has supervisory duties/gives advice about problems // a lawyer who pleads cases in court
  • Counterfeit- fake made to look exactly like something in order to trick people into thinking that they are getting the real thing
  • Country- an area of land that has or used to have its own government and laws
  • Coup- a sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent
  • Couplet- a stanza having two lines in verse
  • Courier- a person/ company whose job is to take packages/ important parcels some where
  • Covertly- in a covert manner
  • Covey- a small collection of people
  • Cowardice- the trait of lacking courage  
  • Creasy- a line made by pressing, folding, or wrinkling
  • Creative- having the skill and ability to produce something new, especially a work of art
  • Creator- a person who has made/ invented a particular thing
  • Credence- the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true
  • Credential- the qualities/ training/experience that make you suitable to do something
  • Credible- that can be believed or trusted
  • Creditable- deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful
  • Creditor- a person to whom money is owed by another person
  • Credulous- ready to believe things and therefore easy to trick
  • Creed- a system of religious belief
  • Crematorium- a building in which the bodies of dead people are burned
  • Crescendo- a gradual increase in loudness in a piece of music
  • Crew- all the people working on a ship, plane, etc.
  • Criminal- connected with crime
  • Crisis- turning point of danger/disease
  • Crisp- crunchy
  • Criterion- a standard/principle by which something is judged, or with the help of which a decision is made
  • Critic- a person who expresses disapproval of somebody/something and talks about his bad qualities, especially publicly
  • Crocodile- large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and sharp teeth and a body covered with bony plates
  • Crowd- a large number of people gathered together in a public place in the streets at a sports ground, etc.
  • Crude- simple and not very accurate but giving a general idea of something
  • Crypto- a person having a secret allegiance to a political creed, especially communism.
  • Cryptograph- a device for deciphering codes and ciphers
  • Cull- to kill a particular number of animals of a group in order to prevent the group from getting too large
  • Culpable- responsible and deserving blame for having done something wrong
  • Culprits- a person who has done something wrong/against the law
  • Culture- the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organisation of a particular country/group
  • Curator- a person whose job is to be in charge of the objects or words of art in a museum or art gallery, etc.
  • Curfew- signal under martial law for people to remain indoors
  • Curiosity- a strong desire to know or learn something
  • Curmudgeon- a bad-tempered person, often an old one
  • Currency- general acceptance or use
  • Cursory- going rapidly over something  
  • Curt- brief and to the point
  • Customer- a person/an organisation that buys something from a shop/ store or business
  • Cut- to make an opening // to divide with a knife
  • Cyclone- a violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle
  • Cyclostyle- print with a cyclostyle a writing implement with a small toothed wheel that cuts small holes in a stencil
  • Cynic- someone who is critical of the motives of others
  • Cynicism- a cynical feeling of distrust
  • Cynophobia- extreme fear of dogs
  • Cynosure- centre of attraction
  • Cytology- dealing with cells

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