Idiom and Phrase SSC CGL(Tier 1) -2019

Idiom and Phrase SSC CGL(Tier 1) -2019 Last minute revision it will help you in your preparation.

Note – Option marked in BOLD is correct Ans.

Q1.Song sung at a burial

1. Dirge 2. Sonnet 3. Hymn 4. Ballad

Q.2Hard nut to crack

1. Not restrained 2. Easily encouraged 3. Easily disappointed 4. A difficult problem

Q3.To take French leave

1. Leave without any intimation 2. Welcome the host 3.Acknowledge the host 4. Leave with written permission

Q4.On shank’s mare

1. On an elephant 2. On a lion 3. On a bicycle 4. On foot

Q4.snake in the grass

1. A well-wisher 2. Difficult to find 3. A good friend 4. A secret enemy

Q.5Back to square one

1. Draw a square 2. Neglect something 3. Move ahead 4. Come to the original point

Q.6 Morals that govern one’s behavior

1. Intuition 2. Attitude 3. Psychology 4. Ethics

Q.7 Dead heat

1. A strong heat wave 2. Strong opposition to one’s ideas 3. A deadly blast of hot air 4. Close contest that ends in a tie

Q.8 The bee’s knees

1. Observant 2. Extraordinary 3. Problematic 4. Foolish

Q.9 To throw a fit

1. Caution someone about fitness 2. Become unconscious 3. Faint and fall down 4. Express extreme anger

Q.10 Bring to light

1. Reveal clearly 2. Cheer someone 3. Praise in public 4. Brighten up

Q.11 Hold water

1. To be fickle 2. To be busy 3. To be valid 4. To be deep

Q.12. Bed of roses

1. A pleasant perfume 2. An easy and happy situation 3. A difficult path 4. A valley full of flowers

Q.13 A close-fisted person

1. A cruel person 2. A kind person 3. A strong person 4. A miserly person

Q.14.To take the bull by the horns

1. To surrender to the enemy 2. To murder someone 3. To handle difficulties 4. To speak arrogantly

Q.15.To flog a dead horse

1. To waste the efforts 2. To complete the work 3. To accept the challenge 4. To make the best use of resources

Q.16 To add fuel to the fire

.1. Exploit someone 2. Simplify the problem 3. To make a bad situation worse 4. Calm down the situation

Q.17 Hobson’s Choice

1. To be in an aggressive mood when facing a challenge 2. To challenge an unworthy opponent 3. An apparently free choice where there is no real alternative 4. To exercise the choice to surrender before the enemy

Q.18 Chicken-hearted

1. Generous 2. Cowardly 3. Miserly 4. Selfish

Q.19 By and by

1. Gradually 2. By any means 3. Suddenly 4. On the whole

Q.20 Pull a fast one

1. Take quick action 2. Believe someone easily 3. Progress fast 4. Trick someone

Q.21 See eye to eye

1. Stare at someone 2. See clearly 3. Be suspicious 4. Agree with someone

Q.22 To paddle one’s own canoe

1. Depend on oneself 2. To take rest 3. To exercise hard 4. To act in a childish way

Q.23 Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm

1. Dejected 2. Daring 3. Comfortable 4. Confident

Q.24 Look down upon

1. To look down from a height 2. To be full of guilt 3. To look for something underground 4. To consider someone inferior

Q.25 Keep abreast of

1. Keep up the good work 2. Keep oneself updated 3. Keep ahead of 4. Keep a watch on

Q.26 Come to the point

1. To speak plainly about the real issue 2. To unravel a mystery 3. To get reconciled to something 4. To meet at a designated place

Q.27 Give a piece of one’s mind

1. To rebuke someone strongly 2. To advise someone 3. To share one’s ideas 4. To donate something valuable

Q.28 Cut and dried

1. Dead and gone 2. Already decided 3. Very old 4. Badly hurt

Q.29 The people were scared because the burglar was at large.

1. very dangerous 2. not caught 3. very famous 4. behind bars

Q.30 Make off with away transfer 3. to discover 4. to understand

Q.31Blind alley

1. A state of deep thought 2. A person who comes to meet occasionally 3. A situation in which no further progress can be made 4. Taking first step after somebody’s approach

Q.32. The acid test

1. A critical situation or crisis 2. A fact, event or situation that proves something 3. An unpleasant or offensive test 4. Throwing acid on someone’s face

Q.33.To bark up the wrong tree

1. To do something that will not get the result you want 2. To sound or appear ferocious but not actually so 3. To cover oneself with the outer covering of a wrong tree 4. To make a sound like that of a dog

Q.34 To take a back seat

1. To become less important or to give up control over things 2. To lecture or criticise the person who is actually in control of something 3. To be less successful in one’s efforts 4. To go through a short but unpleasant period of time

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