One Word Substitution ‘A’ For SSC and other Competitive Exams.

One word Substitution asked in various exams, especially in SSC exam so, you can boost your preparation with these one word substitution

List Of One Word Substitution ‘A’

  • Abattoir- Place where animals are killed for food
  • Abbot – A man who is the head of a monastery
  • Abbreviation – A shortened Form of a word or phrase
  • Abdication- To formally give up
  • Ablution – Ritual Washing of the body
  • Abstruse – Hard to understand
  • Abundance – A quantity that is more than enough
  • Abandon- to leave
  • Abridgment- a shortened version of a written work
  • Absconders- a fugitive who runs away and hides to avoid arrest
  • Abstain -to choose not to use a vote, either in favour of/ against something
  • Accolade- praise/an award for an achievement that people admire
  • Accord- sympathetic compatibility
  • Accountant –a person whose profession is to keep accounts
  • Acquittal -an official decision in court that a person is not guilty of a crime
  • Acrobat –an entertainer who performs difficult acts such as balancing on high ropes (at a circus)/ an athlete who performs acts that need skill, agility and coordination
  • Activist- advocating or engaged in activism
  • Acumen- the ability to make good judgement and take quick decisions
  • Adept –a person who is good at doing something that is quite difficult
  • Adhere- to stick firmly
  • Adroit -quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
  • Adventitious –associated by chance and not an integral part
  • Aesthetic– concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
  • Aggressive- angry, and behaving in a threatening way
  • Agitation- worry and anxiety that you show by behaving in a nervous way
  • Agronomy- the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production
  • Alliteration- the use of the same letter/sound at the beginning of words that are close together
  • Almanac- a book is published every year giving information for that year about a particular subject
  • Almighty- having complete power
  • Ambivalent- having or showing both good and bad feelings
  • Amity- a cordial disposition
  • Amorphous- having no definite form or distinct shape
  • Anachronism- a person, a custom or an idea that seems old-fashioned and does not belong to the present
  • Animism- the belief that plants, objects and natural things each have a living soul
  • Anniversary- the date on which an event happened in some previous year
  • Anthology –a collection of poems, stories, etc. that have been written by different people and published together in a book
  • Anthropoid- resembling a human being in form
  • Anthropologist -a person who studies about the human race, its origin, developments, customs and beliefs
  • Antonyms -words of opposite meanings
  • Apostasy- the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause
  • Apostate – one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions
  • Apostle- a person who strongly believes in a policy or an idea and tries to make other people believe in it.
  • Appraisal- a judgement of the value, performance/nature of somebody/something
  • Approbation -approval
  • Aqua-phobia -an extreme fear of drowning
  • Archer- a person who is expert in the use of a bow and arrow
  • Armoury- a place where arms are kept
  • Arsonist – a criminal who illegally sets fire to property
  • Arteries– muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed
  • Artisan -a person who does skilled work, making things with his hands
  • Asperity -roughness harshness ill temper irritability
  • Assign- to give somebody something that he can use, or some work or responsibility
  • Association- an official group of people who have joined together for a particular purpose
  • Assurance – A positive declaration intended to give confidence
  • Asunder – Widely separated especially in space
  • Attempt – an act of trying to do something difficult, often with no success
  • Auditor – a qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business
  • Autocrat – a ruler who has complete power
  • Autopsy – An official examination of a dead body by a doctor in order to discover the cause of death.
  • Avaricious – having an extreme desire for wealth
  • Aversion – a strong feeling of not liking somebody/something
  • Axiom -a rule/principle that most people believe to believe
  • Alien- Hostile, strange and frightening /different from what you are used to
  • Amateur – a person who likes to take part in a sport/other activity for enjoyment, not as a job
  • Amnesia – a medical condition in which somebody partly/ completely loses his memory
  • Anarchy- a situation in a country, an organization in which there is no government, order/control
  • Anthropology – The study of human race, especially of its origin, development, customs and beliefs
  • Archives –a collection of historical documents/records of a government
  • Altruist- someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well being
  • Aristocracy- the rule by nobles / government by person of highest social order
  • Atheist- a person who believes that god does not exist

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2 thoughts on “One Word Substitution ‘A’ For SSC and other Competitive Exams.

  • August 17, 2020 at 7:46 am

    Easy and understable…niceπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ keep it up!

    • August 17, 2020 at 7:49 am



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