One word substitution ‘M’

List Of One word substitution

One words substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams. These previous years one words substitution help you in cracking exam.

  • Macabre– gruesome suggesting death
  • Macho– used of men
  • Mademoiselle– small silvery drum fish often mistaken for white perch
  • Magic– possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers
  • Magnanimous– kind, generous and forgiving towards an enemy or a rival
  • Magnate– a person who is rich, powerful and successful in business
  • Magnum– a large wine bottle for liquor or wine
  • Maid -an unmarried girl (especially a virgin)
  • Maiden being the first of its kind (speech, journey by a plane/ship), etc. 1948 Maiden Speech the first speech made by a person
  • Maladroit -tactless clumsy 1950 Maladroit done without skill
  • Malaise -a general feeling of being ill/sick, unhappy or not satisfied, without signs of any particular problem
  • Malapropism– an amusing mistake somebody makes when they use a word which sounds similar to the word they wanted to use, but means something different .
  • Male Chauvinist -a man who believes men are more important, intelligent etc.
  • Malevolent having/ showing a desire to harm other people.
  • Malice -a feeling of hatred for somebody that causes a desire to harm him.
  • Malicious -having/ showing hatred and a desire to harm somebody or hurt his feelings.
  • Malinger -to pretend to be ill/sick in order to avoid work.
  • Malleable (a metal) -that can be hit/ pressed into different shapes easily without breaking/ cracking.
  • Malnutrition -insufficient feeding or nourishing.
  • Manager– a person who is in charge of running a business, a shop/ store or a similar organisation.
  • Mandatory– required by law.
  • Man-Eater– a wild animal that attacks and eats humans.
  • Maniac– an insane person .
  • Manifestly -in a way that is clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
  • Manifesto– a written statement in which a group of people, especially a political party, explains their beliefs and says what they will do if they win an election.
  • Manipulate -treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed.
  • Manoeuvre– a clever plan/ action or movement that is used for giving somebody an advantage.
  • Manometer -an instrument used for measuring the pressure of liquids and gases.
  • Mantle (zoology)– a protective layer of epidermis in mollusks or brachiopods that secretes a substance forming the shell.
  • Manuscript– a copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printed.
  • Marathon Speech -a long speech that needs prolonged effort and attention.
  • Mariticide -the murder of a husband by his wife
  • Marshes– an area of low land that is always soft and wet because there is nowhere for the water to flow away to
  • Marsupial– a mammal of an order whose members are born incompletely developed.
  • Martinet– a very strict person who demands that other people obey orders or rules completely
  • Martyr – a person who suffers very much or is killed because of his religious/ political beliefs
  • Marxism– the political and economic theories of Karl Marx (1818-83) which explain the changes and developments in society as the result of opposition between the social classes
  • Masochist someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment.
  • Mason – a person who builds using stone or works with stone
  • Masquerade -a way of behaving that hides the truth or a person’s true feelings.
  • Massacre -the killing of many people
  • Materialism -the belief that only material things exist
  • Materialistic -one for whom money is the most important thing
  • Matriarch -a female head of a family or tribe
  • Matricide -the killing of one’s mother
  • Matrilineal -relationship between mother and child that continues in a family with each generation
  • Metaphor -a word or phrase used for describing somebody/ something else, in a way that is different from its normal use
  • Metaphysics -the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence, truth and knowledge.
  • Meteorite -a piece of rock from outer space that hits the earth’s surface.
  • Methodology -a system of methods used in a particular area of study/ activity.
  • Meticulous– paying careful attention to every detail.
  • Metronome -a device that makes a regular sound like a clock and is used by musicians for helping them keep the correct rhythm while playing a piece of music.
  • Metronomic– happening regularly, as if keeping time with and device that makes a regular sound like a clock.
  • Mezzanine– a floor that is built between two floors of a building and is smaller than the other floors.
  • Mezzo -the female singing voice between contralto and soprano.
  • Micrometer– a device used for measuring very small distances/spaces, using a screw with a very fine thread.
  • Microscope– an instrument used in scientific study for making very small things look larger so that you may examine them carefully.
  • Migrate -move from one country or region to another and settle there.
  • Migration -the movement of a large number of people, birds/animals from one place to another.
  • Militant– disposed to warfare or hard.
  • Milky Way -the galaxy (contains any of the system of stars, etc.) in outer space.
  • Mimicry -the action/skill of being able to copy the voice, movements of others.
  • Miniature– much smaller than usual/a very small detailed painting/model
  • Mint– a place where money is coined by authority of the government
  • Minutes -a summary/record of what is said/decided at a formal meeting
  • Miraculous– completely unexpected and very lucky/ extraordinary/ phenomenal
  • Mirage -an effect caused by hot air in deserts/ on roads, that makes you think you can see something, such as water which is not there
  • Mirthful– arousing or provoking laughter
  • Misandrist -one who hates/ mistrusts men
  • Misanthrope– a person who hates and avoids other people
  • Misanthropist -someone who dislikes people in general
  • Misconduct– unacceptable behaviour (by a professional person)
  • Miser -one who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible
  • Miserly -hating to spend money
  • Misocapnic -hateful of tobacco smoking and of tobacco smoke.
  • Misogamist– a person who hates marriage.
  • Misogynist -a person who dislikes women.
  • Misologist -one who hates reason, argument, or enlightenment.
  • Misology -hatred of reasoning.
  • Misoneist -a hater of new things.
  • Misrepresentati– on a misleading falsehood
  • Missionary -a person who is sent to a foreign country to teach people about Christianity.
  • Mistake -a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention
  • Mitigate– to make less harmful, serious, etc.
  • Mnemonic -helping you to remember something.
  • Mob -a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent/ cause trouble
  • Mobocracy– political control by a mob
  • Mock– to laugh at somebody/ something in an unkind way /make fun of
  • Mock– Tail a cocktail containing no alcohol
  • Moderate -a person who has opinions, especially about politics, that are not extreme.
  • Modus Operandi– a particular way/ method of doing something l.
  • Mollify– make calmer or quieter.
  • Momentary -lasting for a very short time.
  • Momentous– very important or serious.
  • Monarch -a supreme ruler.
  • Monarchist -a person who believes that a country should be ruled by a king/queen.
  • Monarchy -a system of government by a king/a queen.
  • Monastery – a building in which monks live together.
  • Monetary– involving money.
  • Money Grabber– a person who tries to get a lot of money.
  • Monism -the belief that all things are unified and are all based on one single principle or law.
  • Monition -a warning of impending danger.
  • Monk- a member or a religious group of men who often live apart from other people in a monastery (a place where monks live together)
  • Monogamist -a person who practices one spouse at a time
  • Monologue– a long speech by one person during a conversation that stops other people from speaking or expressing an opinion
  • Monoloque -a dramatic story, told/ performed by one person
  • Monomania -obsession with one particular thing
  • Mono-Mania – too much interest in/enthusiasm for one thing so that it may not be healthy
  • Monophobia -phobia of isolation
  • Monopoly – the complete control of trade in particular goods or the supply of a particular service
  • Monotheism – the belief that there is only one god
  • Monotheist– a person who believes that there is only one god
  • Monument a building which is constructed to keep alive one’s memory
  • Monumental -Great in importance, extent, or size Moonlit lit by the moonlight
  • Moor– to attach a boat, ship, etc. to a fixed object/to the land with a rope/anchor it
  • Moral -concerned with principles of right and wrong behaviour
  • Mores -the customs and behaviour that are considered typical of a particular social group or community
  • Morgue -a building in which dead bodies are kept before they are buried/burned
  • Morose– unhappy, bad-tempered and not talking very much
  • Morphology -the form and structure of animals and plants, studied as a science (biology) /the forms of words, studied as a branch of linguistics.
  • Mortal– subject to death
  • Mortgage -a legal agreement by which a bank lends you money to buy a house
  • Mortuary -a place/room/building in which dead bodies are kept before they are buried/cremated
  • Mosaic -art consisting of a design made of small pieces of coloured stone.
  • Mound– a large pile of earth or stones
  • Muffle -wrap or cover for warmth
  • Multiplex -a large cinema/ movie theater with several separate rooms with screens
  • Mummy -a body of a human/an animal that has been preserved by treating it with special oils and wrapping it in cloth
  • Mundane – worldly as opposed to spiritual commonplace everyday
  • Municipality -a town, city or district with its own local government
  • Murmur -a schwa that is incidental to the pronunciation of a consonant
  • Muscles -a piece of body tissue that you contract and relax in order to move a particular part of the body
  • Musical -characteristic of or resembling or accompanied by music
  • Mutiny– the act of refusing to obey the orders of somebody in authority, especially by soldiers/ sailors
  • Myopia -the inability to see things clearly when they are far away
  • Myopic – lacking foresight or intellectual insight
  • Myriad -very great number
  • Mysophobia -a morbid fear of dirt or contamination
  • Mystery– something that is hidden
  • Mystic a person who tries to become united with god through prayer and meditation and so understand important things that are beyond normal human understanding
  • Mysticism– the belief that knowledge of god and of real truth can be found through prayer and meditation rather than through reason and the senses
  • Myth -a traditional story accepted as history
  • Mythophobia -fear of myths, stories/making false statements

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