ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION ‘E’ For SSC and Other Competitive Exams.

One Words Substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams. These previous years One Words Substitution help you in cracking exam.

List Of One Word Substitution ‘E’

  • Eavesdrop- listen without the speaker’s knowledge
  • Eavesdropper- a person who listens secretly to what other people are saying
  • Eccentric- a person who is considered by other people to be strange/unusual
  • Eclectic- selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
  • Ecologist- One who studies and cares about environment
  • Ecology- the study of the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment
  • Economical- providing good service/value in relation to the amount of time/money spent // using no more than is necessary
  • Ecstasy- a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
  • Edgy- being in a tense state
  • Edible- fit/ suitable to be eaten
  • Edict- an official order or statement given by somebody in authority
  • Edifice- a large impressive building
  • Edify- instruct or improve someone morally or intellectually.
  • Educationalist- a specialist in the theory of education
  • Educationist- a person ( specialist) in theories and methods of teaching
  • Effaced- remove completely from recognition/memory // remove by or as if by rubbing / erasing
  • Effect- (of a law) having legal validity
  • Effective- existing in fact  
  • Effeminate- looking, behaving/ sounding like women/ a girl
  • Effete- infertile worn out weak
  • Effigy- a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
  • Effusion- the expression of feelings in an exaggerated way
  • Egalitarian- favoring social equality
  • Egalitarianism- the doctrine of the equality of mankind and the desirability of political and economic and social equality
  • Egoist- a person who thinks he/she is better than other people and who thinks and talks too much about himself/herself
  • Egomania- an intense and irresistible lo9ve for yourself and concern for your own needs
  • Egotist- A person who is excessively conceited or absorbed in themselves
  • Egotistical- characteristic of false pride
  • Elaborate- worked out with much care in great detail
  • Election- the process of choosing a person/a group of people for a position, especially a political position, by voting
  • Elective- subject to popular election
  • Electorate- a body of voters
  • Electrophile- attracted to electrons
  • Electrotherapy- the therapeutic application of electricity to the body (as in the treatment of various forms of paralysis)
  • Elegy- a poem/song that expresses sadness, especially for somebody who has died
  • Eligible- a person who is able to have/do something because he has the right qualifications, is the right age, etc.
  • Elite- selected as the best
  • Elixir- a substance with a magical power to cure, improve or preserve something
  • Ellipsis- a set of dots indicating an ellipsis.
  • Elope- to run away with somebody in order to marry secretly Eloquence- fluent speaking skillful use of language
  • Elysium- a paradise with perfect bliss.
  • Emancipation- freeing someone from the control of another
  • Embankment- a wall of stone/earth made to keep water back or to carry a road or railway/railroad over low ground
  • Embark- set out on (an enterprise or subject of study)
  • Embed- fix an object firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass  
  • Ember- a small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire
  • Embezzlement- the act of stealing money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer / misappropriation of money
  • Embody- be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to an idea, quality, or feeling
  • Embryology- the study of the development of animals/ plants before birth
  • Emergency- a sudden serious and dangerous event/situation which needs immediate action to deal with it
  • Emeritus- one who is honorably discharged from service
  • Emetic- medicine that causes vomiting
  • Emigrant- a person who leaves his country to live in another
  • Emigrate- to leave your own country to go and live permanently in another country
  • Emissary- a person who is sent to deliver an official message from one country to another or to perform a special task
  • Emotional- connected with people’s feelings (emotions a strong feeling such as love, fear or anger)
  • Empathy- the ability to understand another person’s feelings, experience, etc.
  • Employee- a worker who is hired to perform a job
  • Employer- one who employs
  • Encomium- warm or glowing praise eulogy panegyric
  • Encourage- spur on
  • Encroacher- someone who enters by force in order to conquer
  • Encyclopedia- a reference work (often in several volumes) containing articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order) dealing with the entire range of human knowledge or with some particular specialty
  • Endemic- regularly found in a particular place or among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of // A disease that is prevalent in a particular area
  • Endocrinology- medical study of endocrine system and hormones
  • Endoderm- the inner germ layer that develops into the digestive and respiratory systems muscles (n.)
  • Endow- furnish with an endowment
  • Enduring- lasting
  • Enemy- a person who hates somebody/ something or who acts or speaks against somebody/something
  • Energic- full of energy
  • Engage- get caught
  • Engulf- swallow up
  • Enigmatic -Person mysterious and difficult to understand // that cannot be known.
  • Enmity- hatred being an enemy
  • Ennui- a state of mental weariness from lack of occupation
  • Enormous- extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
  • Ensconce- to settle (oneself) securely or comfortably
  • Enshrine- preserve a right, tradition, or idea in a form that ensures it will be protected and respected
  • Enter- become a participant
  • Enthusiast- a person who is very interested in something and spends a lot of time doing it
  • Enthusiastic- feeling / showing a lot of excitement and interest about somebody/ something
  • Entice- tempt or persuade
  • Entomologist- a zoologist (person) who studies insects
  • Entomology- the scientific study of insects
  • Entreaty- a serious and often emotional request 
  • Entwine- spin or twist together so as to form a cord
  • Enviable- causing jealousy
  • Envious- wanting to be in the same position as somebody else
  • Environment- the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of somebody/ something
  • Ephemeral- lasting/ used for only a short period of time
  • Epic- a long poem about the actions of great men and women/about a nation’s history
  • Epicure- a person who enjoys food and drink of high quality and knows a lot about it
  • Epicurean- devoted to pleasure and enjoy yourself
  • Epidemic- a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community
  • Epigram- a short poem/ phrase that expresses an idea in a clever/amusing way
  • Epigraph- an engraved inscription
  • Epigraphy- the study of ancient inscriptions (words written in the front of a book or cut in stone/ metal)
  • Epilogue- a speech at the end of a play, book, or film/movie that comments on or acts as a conclusion to what has happened
  • Epineurium- outermost layer of dense irregular connective tissue surrounding a peripheral nerve
  • Epiphyte- plant that derives moisture and nutrients from the air and rain
  • Episode- an event, a situation, or a period of time in somebody’s life, a novel, etc. that is important or interesting in some way
  • Epistasy- an interaction between nonallelic genes
  • Epistemology- the part of philosophy that deals with knowledge
  • Epistle- a long, serious letter on an important subject / a verse letter
  • Epitaph- an inscription on a tombstone
  • Epithet- defamatory/ offensive/abusive words/phrases
  • Epitome- a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type
  • Equine- relating to horses.
  • Equipage- equipment and supplies of a military force
  • Equivocal- having a double or doubtful meaning suspicious
  • Equivocally- in an unclear/undefined manner
  • Equivorous- feeding on horseflesh
  • Era- a period of time, usually in history, that is different from other periods because of particular characteristics events
  • Eradicable- which can be rooted out
  • Eremology- the systematic study of desert features and phenomena
  • Ergomania- excessive desire to work.
  • Ergophile- a lover of work
  • Erratic- irregular in behaviour or opinion
  • Erratum- a mistake in a book
  • Erroneous- based on wrong information
  • Erudition- profound scholarly knowledge
  • Escalate- increase
  • Escape- to get away from a place
  • Escapism- an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy
  • Eschatology- the branch of theology that is concerned with such final things as death and judgment
  • Eschew- avoid
  • Escort- a person/group of people/vehicles that travels with somebody/something in order to protect/guard him
  • Esoteric- likely to be understood or enjoyed by only a few people with a special knowledge or interest
  • Espionage- spying
  • Esteem- the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)
  • Estimate- a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody
  • Estimation- a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody
  • Eternal- continuing forever
  • Eternity- infinite or unending time
  • Ethical- connected with beliefs and principles about what is right and wrong
  • Ethics- the philosophical study of moral values and rules
  • Ethnology- the scientific study and comparison of human races
  • Ethnomania- an obsessive devotion to one’s own ethnic people or race
  • Ethology- the branch of zoology that studies the behaviour of animals in their natural habitats
  • Etiolate- make pale/sickly
  • Etiology- the philosophical study of causation
  • Etiquette- rules governing socially acceptable behavior
  • Etymology- the study of the origin and history of words and their meanings
  • Eugenics- a science of race, culture and human development
  • Eugenics- a science of race, culture and human development
  • Eugenist- a person who studies methods of improving the quality of the human race, especially by selective breeding
  • Eulogise- praise highly in speech or writing
  • Eulogium- a formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently
  • Eulogy- a speech/piece of writing praising somebody/ something very much
  • Euphemism- an indirect word/phrase that people often use to refer to something embarrassing or unpleasant
  • Euphrasy- an eyebright
  • Euthanasia- bringing about gentle and painless death from incurable disease
  • Evaded- to escape from somebody/something
  • Eve-Teaser- a person who teases women/ girls
  • Evict- expel someone from a property, especially with the support of the law
  • Evident- capable of being seen or noticed
  • Evoluted- a type of geometric curve
  • Evolved- to develop gradually
  • Exaggeration- a statement or description that makes something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is
  • Examination- inspection, test, scrutiny
  • Examinee- a person who is examined
  • Examiner- an investigator who observes carefully
  • Exasperate- make worse
  • Excerpt- a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer whole
  • Excursion- a short journey for pleasure
  • Excuse- to justify
  • Exegesis- critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture
  • Exemplary- severe punishment used as a warning to others // providing a good example for people to copy
  • Exhibitor- a person/ company that shows his/its work/
  • products to the public
  • Exhilarate- fill with sublime emotion
  • Exigency- an urgent need or demand
  • Exile- expel from a country
  • Exonerate- to officially state that somebody is not responsible for
  • something that he has been blamed for
  • Expatriate- a person living in a country that is not his own
  • Expedite- process fast and efficiently
  • Experience- the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities
  • Expert- having special knowledge, skill or training
  • Expiate- to accept punishment for something that you have done wrong in order to show that you are sorry
  • Explanatory- serving or intended to explain or make clear
  • Explicable- that can be explained/understood
  • Exploration- an examination of something to find out about it
  • Explorer- a person who travels to an unknown place in order to find out more about it
  • Expose- to make known to the public, information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
  • Expropriate- to officially take away private property from its owner for public use // to take somebody’s property and use it without permission
  • Expurgate- to remove/leave out parts of a piece of writing/ or a conversation, while printing/ reporting it, because you think those parts could offend people
  • Exquisite- of extreme beauty
  • Extempore- spoken/ done without any previous thought/ preparation
  • Exterminate- to kill all the members of a group of people/ animals
  • Extirpate- to destroy/get rid of something that is bad/not wanted
  • Extortionist- a person who practises the crime of obtaining money by threat of violence
  • Extradite- to send back a criminal or an unwanted person to the country of his/her origin
  • Extraneous- not essential
  • Extravagant- spending a lot of more money/using a lot more of something that you can afford or than is necessary
  • Extricate- to escape/ enable to escape from a difficult situation
  • Extrovert- a lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people // One who is outgoing
  • Exultant- joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success

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