ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION ‘F’ For SSC and Other Competitive Exams.

One Words Substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams. These previous years One Words Substitution help you in cracking exam.

List Of One Word Substitution

  • Fable- a traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson (animals)
  • Facade- the front of a building
  • Facile- involving many carefully arranged parts or details // detailed and complicated in design and planning.
  • Facsimile- an exact copy of something (fax)
  • Fact- a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred
  • Faint- that cannot be clearly seen, heard/ smelt
  • Fake- a thing that is not genuine
  • Fallacy- a false idea that many people believe is true
  • Fallible- one who is subject to failure or to committing mistakes
  • Fallow- farmland ploughed and harrowed but left for a period without being sown in order to restore its fertility
  • Familial- related to or typical of a family
  • Famine- a lack of food during a long period of time in a region
  • Fanatic -extremely enthusiastic about one’s belief
  • Fanatical-marked by extreme enthusiasm
  • Fancy -fantasy / whim
  • Fantasy -a pleasant situation that you imagine but that is
  • unlikely to happen
  • Farmyard- an area that is surrounded by farm buildings
  • Fascist -a person who supports an extreme political system or attitude
  • Fastidious- being careful that every detail is correct
  • Fatal- causing or ending in death
  • Fatalism- the belief that events are decided by fate and that you cannot control them
  • Fatalist- a person who believes that events are decided by fate and cannot be controlled.
  • Fatiloquent- speaking of fate
  • Fauna- all the animals living in an area or in a particular period of history
  • Favouritism- the act of unfairly treating one person better than others because you like him better
  • Fear- a feeling that you are in danger
  • Feasible- that is possible and likely to be achieved
  • Fecund- pregnant
  • Feint -a body movement that is intended to divert another’s attention, often by being deliberately left incomplete.
  • Felicitous- well chosen or suited to the circumstances
  • Felicity- pleasing and appropriate manner or style (especially manner or style of expression)
  • Feline- connected with an animal of the cat family
  • Felonious- relating to or involved in crime
  • Felony- a serious crime (such as murder or arson)
  • Feminine- having the qualities/ appearance considered to be typical of women // connected with women
  • Feminist- a person who supports the belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men
  • Ferocious- very aggressive/ violent
  • Ferocity- savage cruelty
  • Fervent- having/showing very strong and sincere feelings about something
  • Festal- relating to festival
  • Fetish- excessive or irrational devotion to some activity
  • Fetter- to shackle put in chains
  • Feud- bitter quarrel over a long period of time
  • Fibre- the part of food that helps to keep a person healthy by keeping bowels working and moving other food quickly through the body
  • Fictitious- as opposed to reality imagined not real
  • Fidelity- loyalty accuracy
  • Figment- something that is imagined but does not exist
  • Filicide- killing of one’s own child
  • Filings- very small pieces of metal made when a larger piece of metal is filled
  • Finger- to abuse somebody of doing something illegal and tell the police about it.
  • Fission- splitting or division (esp. of cells)
  • Flaccid- drooping without elasticity
  • Flagrant- conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
  • Flatter- praise somewhat dishonestly
  • Flexible- able to change to suit new conditions/ situations
  • Flicker- north American woodpecker
  • Fling- throw with force/ recklessness
  • Flintlock- a gun used in the past
  • Flip- Side different and less welcome aspects of an idea, argument/action
  • Flip-Flop- a type of footwear
  • Flippancy- inappropriate levity
  • Flippant- showing that you do not take something as seriously as other people think you should
  • Flora- the plants of a particular area, type of environment or period of time
  • Florist- a person who owns/works in a shop/store that sells flowers and plants
  • Flounder- to struggle to know/say/move in a difficult situation
  • Fluctuating- having unpredictable ups and downs
  • Fluke- a lucky/unusual thing that happens by accident, not because of planning/skill
  • Fluster- make nervous or confused
  • Flux- continuous movement and change
  • Foeticide- destruction of a foetus.
  • Foliate- decorate with leaves/foils
  • Foodophile- a person who has a great fondness for food Foolhardy marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences
  • Footnote- an extra piece of information that is printed at the bottom of a page in a book
  • Forbid- to order somebody not to do something
  • Foreigner- a person who comes from a foreign country
  • Foreman- a person who exercises control over workers
  • Forerunner- a person/thing that came before and influenced somebody/something else that is similar, a sign of what is going to happen
  • Foreword- a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
  • Forfeit- be deprived of property or a right or privilege as a penalty for wrongdoing
  • Forged- reproduced fraudulently (illegally)
  • Forgery criminal falsification by making/altering an instrument with intent to defraud
  • Forgetting- not remembering
  • Formalism- a style or method in art, music, literature, science, etc. that pays more attention to the rules and the correct arrangement and appearance of things than to inner meanings and feelings
  • Formality- a thing that you must do as a formal/official part of a legal process, a social situation, etc.
  • Former- that used to exist in earlier times
  • Forsake- leave someone who needs or counts on you
  • Fort- a fortified defensive structure
  • Fortify- add nutrients to
  • Fortis- (of a speech sound) made with a greater than usual amount of force
  • Fortitude- strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage
  • Fortunate- presaging good fortune
  • Fossil- the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or planet that are found inside a rock
  • Foster- nurture care for
  • Foul- (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines
  • Founder- to fail because of a particular problem/difficulty
  • Foundling -a baby who has been left by its parents and who is found and taken care of by somebody else
  • Foundry- factory where metal castings are produced
  • Fragile- something which is easily breakable
  • Franchise- constitutional right to cast vote
  • Frankness- the trait of being blunt and outspoken
  • Fratricide- the crime of killing your brother/sister
  • Fraud -an act of deceiving somebody in order to make money
  • Freelancer- a writer/artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them
  • Frequenting- happening/ doing something often
  • Fret- worry irritation wear away
  • Friable- easily broken up into small pieces
  • Fright- a feeling of fear
  • Frivolous- not serious in content or attitude or behavior
  • Fructivorous- fruit-eating
  • Fruiterer- a person who owns/ manages a shop/store selling fruit
  • Frustrate- treat cruelly
  • Fugacious- lasting a very short time
  • Fugitive- a person who has escaped/is running away from somewhere and is trying to avoid being caught
  • Fumble- to have difficulty speaking clearly/ finding the right words to say
  • Fun- providing enjoyment
  • Funambulist- a person who performs on a tight rope or a slack rope
  • Fungicide- any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungi
  • Fungus- any plant without leaves, flowers or green colouring, usually grown on other plants or on decaying matter
  • Furlough- to give somebody permission to leave his duties for a period of time (soldiers, prisoners, workers)
  • Furtive- attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble
  • Fusillade- a rapid series of shots fired from one/more guns // a rapid series of objects that are thrown
  • Futile- producing no result or effect

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