ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION ‘H’ For SSC and Other Competitive Exams.

One Words Substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams. These previous years One Words Substitution help you in cracking exam

List Of One Word Substitution

  • Hacker- a person who secretly finds a way of looking at and/ or changing information on somebody else’s computer system without permission
  • Hackneyed- used too often and therefore boring
  • Haematology- science of blood
  • Haemorrhage- flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessels
  • Hagiography- a book about the life of a person that praises him too much
  • Halcyon- calm and peaceful
  • Hallucination- the fact of seeing/hearing something that is not really there
  • Hallucinogen- a psychoactive drug that induces hallucinations or altered sensory experiences
  • Hamlet- a very small village
  • Handicap- disability
  • Handicraft- activities such as sewing and making cloth that use skill with your hands and artistic ability to make things
  • Handiwork- work that you do, or something that you have made, especially using your artistic skill
  • Hangar- a large building in which aircraft is kept
  • Hansom- a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage accommodating two inside, with the driver seated behind.
  • Harangue- a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
  • Harass- exhaust by attacking repeatedly
  • Harbinger- somebody that foretells the coming of something
  • Harbour- a place of refuge and comfort and security
  • Hardened- to become/make something become firm, stiff or solid
  • Hark- listen
  • Harmony- compatibility in opinion and action
  • Harpy- Female face and body and bird feather and clawed fictional monster
  • Harrowing- acutely distressing
  • Hassle- irritating inconvenience
  • Hazy- not clear because of haze
  • Hearse- a transport vehicle for conveying the coffin at a funeral
  • Hebetic- pertaining to or occurring in puberty.
  • Heckle- interrupt (a public speaker) with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse
  • Hedonism- the belief that pleasure is the most important thing in life
  • Hedonist- a person who believes that pleasure is the most important thing in life
  • Hedonistic- devoted to pleasure
  • Heed- to pay careful attention to somebody’s advice/warning
  • Heinous- odious (of crime)
  • Heliophilous- preferring or attracted to sunlight
  • Hellenistic- connected with ancient/modern greece Henpeck (of a woman) continually criticize and order about (her husband or other male partner)
  • Herbarium- a place for the collection of dried plants
  • Herbicide- a chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growth
  • Herbivore- eats only plants (animal)
  • Herbivorous- animals that feed on plants
  • Herculean- needing a lot of strength, determination or effort
  • Hereditary- given to a child by its parents before it is born
  • Heresy- a belief or an opinion that is against the principle of a particular religion
  • Heretic- a person who holds unorthodox opinions
  • Hermit- a person who, usually for religious reasons, lives a very simple life alone- and does not meet/ talk to other people
  • Hesitant- lacking decisiveness of character
  • Heterogeneous- things of different nature
  • Hexagon- a flat shape with six straight sides and six angles
  • Hiatus- a missing piece (as a gap in a manuscript)
  • Hibernation- the act of retiring into inactivity
  • Hide- to put/ keep in place which cannot be seen/found
  • Hideous- so extremely ugly as to be terrifying
  • Hierarchy- a system, especially in a society or an organisation, in which people are organised into different levels of importance from highest to lowest
  • Hieroglyphics- written in or belonging to a writing system using pictorial symbols
  • Highbrow- a person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others
  • Hijack- to use violence or threats to take control of a vehicle, in order to force it to travel to a different place or to demand something from a government
  • Hijacker- a person who uses force to take over a vehicle (aeroplane) in order to reach another destination
  • Hinterland- the area of a country that is away from the coast from the banks of a large river or from the main cities
  • Hippocratic -of or relating to Hippocrates or the school of medicine that took his name
  • Hireling- a person who is willing to do anything/work for anyone as long as he is paid
  • Hirsute- having a lot of hair on the face/ body
  • History- all the events that happened in the past
  • Histrionic- very emotional behaviour, intended to attract attention in a way that does not seem sincere
  • Hoard- a collection of money, food, valuable objects, etc.
  • Hoarder- a person who accumulates things and hides them away for future use
  • Hoary- very old and well-known and therefore no longer interesting
  • Holiday- a day on which work is suspended by law or custom
  • Holocaust- destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
  • Holophyte- an organism that produces its own food by photosynthesis
  • Homage- something that is said/done to show respect for
  • somebody
  • Homeopathy- a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated
  • Homicide- the crime of killing somebody deliberately
  • Homogeneous- all (things or people) of the same or similar kind or nature
  • Homonyms- words pronounced/spelled the same way but having different meanings
  • Homophile- homosexual or arousing homosexual desires समलिगɇ क
  • Homophobia- prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality
  • Homophone- a word that is pronounced like another word but has a different spelling/ meaning–sum–some, by – buy
  • Honest- not disposed to cheat or defraud
  • Honesty- the quality of being honest
  • Honeymoon- a holiday/ vacation taken by a couple who have just got married
  • Honorarium- a payment made for somebody’s professional services // a fee paid for a nominally free service
  • Honorary- given as an honour
  • Honorific- showing respect for the person you are speaking to
  • Honourable- worthy of being honoured
  • Hoodlum- an aggressive and violent young criminal
  • Hoodwink- trick mislead
  • Horizon- the furthest you can see, where the sky seems to meet the land/the sea
  • Horrible- very bad or unpleasant
  • Horror- a feeling of great shock, fear or disgust
  • Horticulture- the study/practice of growing flowers, fruits and vegetables
  • Horticulturist- an expert in the science of cultivating plants (fruits, flowers, vegetables or ornamental plants)
  • Hospital- a large building where people who are ill/sick/ injured are given medical treatment and care
  • Hospitality- receiving guests warmly
  • Hostage- captured and held prisoner by a person or group, and who may be injured/killed if people do not do what the person/group is asking
  • Hostess- a woman who entertains guests
  • House- a place for people to live in
  • Hovel small crude shelter used as a dwelling
  • Hovercraft- a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
  • Huffy- annoyed or irritated and quick to take offence at petty things
  • Hullabaloo- disturbance usually in protest
  • Humanism- a system of thought that considers that solving human problems with the help of reason is more important than religious beliefs. it emphasizes the fact that the basic nature of humans is good
  • Humanist- a person who believes that solving human problems with the help of reason is more important than religious beliefs.
  • Humanitarian- concerned with reducing suffering and improving the conditions that people live in
  • Humate- material that is high in humic acids
  • Hung- assembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majority.
  • Hurl -a violent throw
  • Hurricane- a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western atlantic ocean
  • Husbandry- the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock
  • Hutch -a house for keeping rabbits/other small animals
  • Hydrophobia- extreme fear of water
  • Hydrotherapy- the treatment of disease/injury by doing physical exercises in water
  • Hymn- a song of praise (to god or to a saint or to a nation)
  • Hyperbole- extravagant exaggeration
  • Hypertonia- (of muscular tissue) the state of being hypertonic
  • Hypochondria- a state in which somebody worries all the time about his health and believes that he is ill/sick when there is nothing wrong with him
  • Hypochondriac- worried all the time about your health and believing that you are ill/sick when there is nothing wrong with you
  • Hypocrite- a person who pretends to have moral standards/ opinions that they do not actually have
  • Hypomania- a mild form of mania, marked by elation.
  • Hypothesis- a tentative theory about the natural world
  • Hysteria- a state of extreme excitement, fear or anger in which a person, or a group of people, loses control of his emotions and starts to cry, laugh, etc.

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