ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION’ I ‘ For SSC and Other Competitive Exams.
One Word Substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams. These previous years One Words Substitution help you in cracking exam.
List Of One Word Substitution
- Ichthyologist– a zoologist who studies fish
- Icon– a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a program/file // a famous person/ thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea (a way of life, etc)
- Iconic- acting as a sign or symbol of something
- Iconoclasm– the act of criticizing popular belief or established customs/ideas
- Iconoclast– a person who criticizes popular beliefs/ established customs and ideas
- Iconomachy– hostility to images as objects of worship
- Idealism– the theory that there are two opposite principle in everything
- Idealist- someone guided more by ideals than by practical considerations
- Idiolect- the way that a particular person uses language
- Idiosyncrasy- a person’s particular way of behaving, thinking, etc., especially when it is unusual
- Idiosyncratic- a mode of behavior or why of thought peculiar to an individual (not sub- or abnormal in any way)
- Idiot- a person of subnormal intelligence
- Idolatry- the practice of worshiping statues as gods
- Idolomania- excessive adoration of idols
- Idyllic- extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque
- Igloo- a small round house/ shelter built from blocks of hard snow by the Inuit people of northern n. america
- Igneous- produced by the action of fire or intense heat
- Ignite- cause to start burning
- Ignoramus- an ignorant person
- Ignorant- lacking knowledge/ information
- Illegal- not allowed by the law
- Illegible– difficult/ impossible to read
- Illegitimate- born to parents who are not married to each other
- Illicit- not allowed by law
- Illiterate- not knowing how to read/ write
- Illogical- not sensible/ thought out in a sensible way
- Illusion– something many people believe that is false
- Illusive- not real although seeming to be
- Imaginary- existing in your mind
- Imagination– the ability to create pictures in your mind
- Imbecile– having a mental age of three to seven years
- Imitate- to copy somebody/ something
- Immaculate- pure faultless
- Immaterial- not consisting of matter
- Immigrant- a person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there
- Immigrate- come into a new country and change residency
- Immobile- that which cannot be moved
- Immolation- offering as a sacrifice
- Immoral- not considered to be good or honest by most people
- Immortal- not subject to death
- Immune- fret from infection
- Immunity- protection or exemption from something, especially an obligation or penalty
- Immutable- that cannot be changed
- Imp– one who is playfully mischievous
- Impairing- weaken or damage
- Impale– transfix or pierce with a sharp instrument
- Impatient- Having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked
- Impeccant- free from sin
- Impel- urge or force (a person) to an action
- Imperceptible- very small and therefore unable to be seen/ felt
- Imperialism– the policy of extending a country’s empire and influence
- Imperialist- a person who believes in a powerful country increasing its influence over other countries through business, culture, etc.
- Impersonate- to pretend to be somebody else in order to trick people or to entertain them
- Imperturbable- not easily upset or worried by a difficult situation
- Impervious- not allowing fluid to pass-through.
- Impiety- lack of reverence or dutifulness
- Implicate- to show/ suggest that somebody is involved in something bad/ criminal
- Implorer– a person who asks somebody to do something because he wants/ needs it very much
- Implosion– something collapsing violently inwards.
- Impose -to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc. // to force to have a deal that is difficult or unpleasant
- Imposter- a person who pretends to be somebody else in order to trick people
- Impotent- lacking power/ability
- Impregnable- strong and impossible to defeat/change
- Impressionable- easily impressed or influenced
- Impressionist- An entertainer who impersonates famous people
- Impromptu- done without preparation/planning
- Improper- not suitable or right or appropriate
- Improvident- not providing for the future
- Imprudent- not wise
- Impudent- shamelessly rude
- Impunity- exemption from punishment or loss
- Imputation- the attribution to a source or cause
- Inaccessible- difficult/ impossible to reach/ to get
- Inadmissible- that cannot be allowed/ accepted
- Inalienable- incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another
- Inane- devoid of intelligence
- Inanimate- not endowed with life / lifeless objects
- Inaudible- that you cannot hear
- Inaugural- Speech an official speech marking the beginning of something important
- Incalculable- very large or very great // too great to calculate
- Incandescence- being very bright
- Incarnate- a deity or spirit embodied in human form
- Incendiary- capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily
- Incentive- something that encourages you to do something
- Incessant– often repeated continual
- Incidental- not of prime or central importance
- Incognito– with your identity concealed
- Incomprehensible- impossible to understand
- Inconceivable- impossible to imagine/believe
- Inconclusive- not leading to a definite decision/result
- Incongruous- strange, and not suitable in a particular situation
- Incorrigible- having bad habits which cannot be changed or improved
- Incredible- impossible/difficult to believe
- Incredulous- not willing or not able to believe
- Incriminatory- charging or suggestive of guilt/blame
- Incurable– that cannot be cured
- Indecision -doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action
- Indefatigable- never giving up or getting tired of doing something
- Indefensible- that cannot be defended/ excused because it is morally unacceptable
- Indelible- that cannot be removed/erased
- Indescribable- extreme or indefinite to be adequately described.
- Indestructible- that is very strong and cannot easily be destroyed
- Index- a list of names/topics that are referred to in a book
- Indict- accuse formally of a crime
- Indictable- (of a crime) for which you can be indicted (to officially charge somebody)
- Indifferent- having/showing no interest
- Indigenous- Originating or occurring naturally in the place or country where found // native
- Indigent- poor enough to need help from others
- Indignant- feeling/showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly
- Indispensable- essential, too important to be without
- Indisposed- unwell
- Indivisible- that cannot be divided into separate parts
- Indolent- lazy
- Indomitable- not easily discouraged or subdued
- Indubitable- too obvious to be doubted
- Indulgent- inclined to indulge
- Inedible- not suitable for eating
- Ineffable- too great/beautiful to describe in words
- Ineligible- not having necessary qualifications to have/ do something
- Ineluctable- that you cannot avoid
- Inestimable- too great to calculate
- Inevitable- that you cannot avoid/prevent
- Inexcusable- not excusable
- Inexorable- that cannot be stopped or changed
- Inexplicable- that cannot be understood/explained
- Inextinguishable- that which cannot be put out
- Inextricable- incapable of being untied/disentangled
- Infallible- that never fails // always doing what it is supposed to do
- Infant- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk
- Infanticide- the crime of killing a baby
- Infantry- soldiers who fight on foot
- Infectious- easily spread // caused by infection
- Infelicity- inappropriate and unpleasing manner or style (especially manner or style of expression)
- Inferential- relating to or having the nature of inference
- Infinite- not limited by number
- Infirmary- A place in a large institution for the care of those who are ill.
- Inflammable- that can burn easily
- Inflammatory- characterized or caused by inflammation
- Inflatable- designed to be filled with air/gas
- Inflorescence- the flowering part of a plant/ arrangement of flowers on a stalk
- Information- (communication theory) a numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome
- Infrastructure- the basic systems and services that are necessary for a country or an organisation to run smoothly (buildings, transport, water and power supplies)
- Ingrate- ungrateful
- Inhaler- a small device containing medicine that you breathe in through your mouth, used by people who have problems with breathing
- Inheritance- the money, property, etc. that you receive from somebody when he dies
- Inimitable- defying imitation unmatchable
- Iniquitous- very unfair/ wrong
- Initial- Speech said at the beginning
- Initiate- people who have been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity
- Inmate- one of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a prison or hospital)
- Innocuous- causing no harm
- Innuendo- an indirect remark about somebody, usually suggesting something bad/rude
- Inoffensive- causing no harm
- Insatiable- that which cannot be satisfied
- Inscribe- address, (a work of literature) in a style less formal than a dedication
- Inscription- words written in the front of a book or cut in stone/ metal
- Insectivorous- animals that feed on insects
- Insensible- unable to feel something or react to it
- Insipid- having almost no taste/flavour
- Insolence- an offensive disrespectful impudent act
- Insolvent- a person not having enough to pay what he owes
- Insomnia- the condition of being unable to sleep
- Instill- enter drop by drop
- Insurgent- rebellious or opposing the authority
- Intaglio- depressed/ sunken carvings/ engravings on precious stones
- Intangible- that which cannot be perceived by touch
- Integral- being an essential part of something
- Integrity- honesty and uprightness of character
- Intelligentsia- the people in a country/society who are well�educated and are interested in culture, politics, literature etc.
- Intensity- exceptionally great concentration, power/force
- Interlude- a brief show (music or dance etc) inserted between the sections of a longer performance
- Intermediary- a person/ organisation that helps other people/ organisation to make an agreement by being a means of communication between them
- Interment- the act of burying a dead person
- Intermission– a short period of time between the parts of a play film, etc.
- International– connected with two/more countries
- Internationalist- a person who believes that countries should work together in a friendly way
- Internment- the act of confining someone in a prison
- Interpolate- inserting new matter in a book
- Interpose– Place or insert between one thing and another
- Interregnum– a period of time during which a country, an organization, etc. does not have a leader and is waiting for a new one
- Interrogate- pose a series of questions to
- Interrogation- formal systematic questioning
- Interruption- something that temporarily stops an activity or a situation
- Intestate- having made no legal will
- Intransigent- uncompromising
- Intrepid- fearless brave undaunted
- Intriguing- capable of arousing interest or curiosity
- Intrinsic– situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body part on which it acts
- Introduction- the first section of a communication // the act of beginning something new
- Introductory- Speech said at the beginning of something as an introduction to what follows
- Introspection- the careful examination of your own thoughts , feelings and reason for behaving in a particular way
- Introvert- a quiet person who is more interested in his own thoughts and feelings- than in spending time with other people
- Intruder- a person who enters a building/an area illegally/where he is not wanted
- Inundate- flood cover by overflowing
- Inundation- the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land
- Inure– Accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant
- Invalidate- declare invalid
- Invertebrates- an animal lacking a backbone
- Investigate- to carefully examine the facts of a situation, an event, a crime, etc. // to find out the truth about it or how it happened
- Investigation- an official examination of the facts about a situation, crime, etc.
- Inveterate- having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.
- Inveterate- always doing something or enjoying something and unlikely to stop (a bad habit)
- Invigilate- watch over (students taking an exam, to prevent\ cheating).
- Invigorate- give strength or energy to / make lively
- Invincible– too strong to be defeated/changed
- Invocation- call upon god or any other power (like law), etc. for help or protection
- Invoice- a bill
- Involution- the action of embracing something
- Invulnerable- that cannot be harmed/defeated
- Irredeemable- too bad to be corrected, improved or saved
- Irrelative- unconnected or unrelated
- Irremediable- too bad to be corrected/cured
- Irreparable- too bad/too serious to repair or put right
- Irresistible- so strong that it cannot be stopped // so attractive that you feel you must have it
- Irresponsible- not showing a feeling of responsibility
- Irreverent- showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously
- Irrevocable- that cannot be changed
- Irrigate- to supply water to an area of land through pipes/ channels so that crop may grow
- Irritable- abnormally sensitive to a stimulus
- Islet- a very small island
- Islomania- a fascination with islands
- Isolate- to separate somebody/something physically/socially from other people/things
- Issues- an important topic that people are discussing/arguing about
- Isthmuses- narrow strip of land, with water on each side, that joins two large pieces of land
- Iterate- to repeat a mathematical/computing process/set of instructions again and again, each time applying it to the result of the previous stage
- Itinerant- travelling from place to place, especially to find work
- Itinerary- a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit
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