List of One Word Substitution

One words substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams. These previous years one words substitution help you in cracking exam.

  • Oasis– a fertile tract in a desert (where the water table approaches the surface)
  • Obeisance– the act of obeying
  • Obese– very fat, in a way that is not healthy
  • Obituary– a notice of someone’s death (with his life and achievements)
  • Objective– not influenced by personal feelings/ opinions
  • Oblation– a thing presented or offered to god or a god.
  • Obligatory– legally binding
  • Obligingly– very willing to help
  • Oblique– not expressed/ done in a direct way // sloping at an angle (line) // an angle that is not of 90°
  • Oblivion– the state of being disregarded or forgotten
  • Oblivious– not aware of something
  • Obloquy– abusively detractive language sharp criticism vituperation
  • Obscure– not clearly understood or expressed
  • Observation– the act of watching carefully, for a period of time
  • Observatory– a building designed and equipped to observe astronomical phenomena
  • Obsession– the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with the thoughts of one particular thing or a person in a way that is not normal
  • Obsidian– a type of dark rock that looks like glass and comes from volcanoes
  • Obsolescent– becoming old-fashioned and no longer useful
  • Obsolete– no longer used because something new has been invented
  • Obstetrician– a doctor who is trained in the branch of medicine concerned with the birth of children
  • Obstetrics– concerned with the birth of children
  • Obtuse– blunt/stupid
  • Obviate– to make unnecessary get rid of
  • Obvious– easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind
  • Occidental– connected with western part of the world (Europe and America)
  • Octagon– a flat shape with eight straight sides and eight angles
  • Octogenarian– a person between 80 and 89 years of age
  • Octopus– eight armed sea creature
  • Oculist– a doctor who examines and treats people’s eyes
  • Ode– a poem that speaks to a person/thing/celebrates a special event
  • Odious– repulsive hateful
  • Oenology– study of wines.
  • Oenomania– obsession for wine
  • Oenophile– a lover of wines.  
  • Offbeat– not coinciding with the beat.
  • Offence– a crime less serious than a felony
  • Offend– cause to feel resentment or indignation
  • Offender– a person who commits a crime
  • Offensive– unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses
  • Offer– to say that you are willing to do something
  • Ogre– (folklore) a giant who likes to eat human beings
  • Oleograph– a print textured to resemble an oil painting
  • Oligarchy– a form of government in which only a small group of people hold all the power
  • Ombudsman– an official whose job is to examine and report on complaints made by ordinary people about companies, the government, etc.
  • Ominously– in a manner that suggests that something bad is going to happen in the future
  • Omnipotent– having total power // able to do anything
  • Omnipresent– present everywhere
  • Omniscient– knowing everything
  • Omnivore– an animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances
  • Omnivorous– eating all types of food (plants and meat)
  • Oncology– study and treatment of tumours
  • Opaque– not clear enough to see through/ allow light through
  • Opener– the first action in an event, a game, etc.
  • Operation– the process of cutting open a part of a person’s body in order to remove or repair a damaged part
  • Ophiology– study of snakes
  • Ophiophobia– fear of snakes
  • Ophthalmologist– a doctor who studies and treats the diseases of the eye
  • Opinionated– having very strong opinions that you are not willing to change
  • Opportune– suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose
  • Opprobrium– public disgrace arising from shameful conduct
  • Optician– a person whose job is to examine people’s eyes and to recommend and sell glasses
  • Optimism– a feeling that good things will happen and that something will be successful
  • Optimist– a person who always expects good things to happen or things to be successful
  • Optique– relating to the eye/vision
  • Opulent– rich and superior in quality
  • Opulent– decorated using expensive materials
  • Opus– a musical work that has been created
  • Oration– a formal speech made on a public occasion, especially as part of a ceremony
  • Orator– a person who is good at public speaking/ who makes formal speeches
  • Oratory– skill in public speaking
  • Orbit– a curved path followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc.
  • Orchard– a piece of land, in which fruit trees are grown
  • Orchestra– seating on the main floor in a theater
  • Orchitis– inflammation (swelling) of one or both testes
  • Order– the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method
  • Ordnance– Depots where military supplies and materials are stored
  • Oriental– characteristics of countries of Asia
  • Original– existing at the beginning of a particular period, process/activity // new and interesting in a way that is different from anything that has existed before
  • Ornate– covered with a lot of decoration
  • Ornithologist– a person who studies birds
  • Ornithology– the scientific study of birds
  • Orology– the science of mountains
  • Orophobia– fear of victory/happiness/wealth.
  • Orphan– a child whose parents are dead
  • Orphanage– a public institution for the care of orphans
  • Orthodontics– the treatment of problems concerning the position of the teeth and jaws
  • Orthography– the system of spellings in a language
  • Orthopaedic– the doctor concerned with injuries and diseases of the bones/ muscles
  • Orthopaedics– a the branch of medicine concerned with injuries and diseases of the bones/muscles
  • Orthopathy– a alternative medicine philosophy advocating a vegetarian, raw food diet with periods of intermittent fasting
  • Oscillate– to keep moving from one position to another and back again
  • Ostensible– seeming appearing as such professed
  • Osteopathy– the treatment of some diseases and physical problems by pressing and moving the bones and muscles
  • Ostler– a person who looks after horses at an inn
  • Ostracise– to banish or turn out of society and fellowship
  • Ostracism– shut out from society refuse to meet talk
  • Otologist– a specialist in diseases of the ear
  • Oubliette– a dungeon with the only entrance or exit being a trap door in the ceiling
  • Oust– remove from a position or office
  • Out– Law a person who has done something illegal and is hiding to avoid being caught
  • Outcast– a person who is rejected (from society/home)
  • Outdated– no longer useful because of being old-fashioned
  • Outpost– a small military camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy’s movements
  • Outrider– a person who rides a motorcycle/ a horse in front of or beside the vehicle of an important person in order to give protection
  • Ovation– enthusiastic recognition (especially one accompanied by loud applause)
  • Overcome– get on top of
  • Over-Draft– a draft in excess of the credit balance
  • Overhaul– to examine every part of a machine, system, etc. and make any necessary changes/repairs
  • Overlook– to fail to see/notice something
  • Overture– orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio
  • Overweight– too heavy and fat
  • Ovine– connected with sheep
  • Oxymoron– a phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other

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