Synonyms and Antonyms ‘F’

Synonyms and Antonyms


Synonyms :front, exterior, show, appearance, mask, semblance, veneer, disguise, pretence, false appearance

Antonyms- rear, interior, back, end, posterior

2. Futile

Synonyms: useless, pointless, trifling, worthless, trivial, frivolous, vain, abortive, fruitless, valueless

Antonyms: useful, effective, satisfactory, gainful, beneficial, conducive, profitable, advantageous.

3. Fanciful

Synonyms: romantic, fantastical, freakish, whimsical, chimerical, dreamy, visionary

Antonyms: sincere, serious, resolute, steadfast, grave, real, reasonable, steady, constant

4. Fathomless

Synonyms: deep, immeasurable, bottomless, profound, unfathomable, abysmal, impenetrable

Antonyms: shallow, superficial, empty, meaningless, petty, frivolous, trivial, trifling

5. Fatigue

Syn: tiredness, weariness, languor, enervation, exhaustion, lassitude, debilitation, weakness, dullness, feebleness, drudgery

Ant: liveliness, sprightliness, vigour, briskness, force, strength, vivacity

6. Feasible

Syn: practicable, possible, probable, likely, pragmatic, practical, workable, attainable, achievable

Ant: unfeasible, impractical, fantastic, visionary, unpragmatic, unsuitable, unlikely

7. Feign

Syn: pretend, mask, counterfeit, falsify, devise, fabricate, forge

Ant: authentic, natural, real, original

8. Festal

Syn: festive, merry, jovial, jolly, joyous, joyful, mirthful, cheery, gay, hearty, convivial

Ant: mournful, sad, sorrowful, unhappy, tragic, lamentable, plaintive, sombre, lugubrious, gloomy, melancholy

9. Fury

Syn: anger, wrath, rage, ferocity, violence, turbulence, irk, temper, madness, wildness

Ant: calmness, peace, serenity, quiet, lull, stillness, tranquillity, coolness, relaxation, placidity, appeasement

10. Fiasco

Syn: failure, disaster, catastrophe, flop, mess, fizzle, washout, defeat, collapse, breakdown, frustration

Ant: success, prosperity, progress, fortune, luck, achievement, victory, triumph, accomplishment, attainment, celebrity, fame

11. Flexible

Syn: yielding, pliable, adaptable, pliant, ductile, bending

Ant: inflexible, stiff, unbending, resistant, stubborn

12. Flaccid

Syn: hanging, drooping, limber, soft, weak, lax, loose, flabby, flimsy

Ant: solid, firm, strong, unyielding, sturdy, steady, resisting, tenacious, tough

13. Flagrant

Syn: notorious, scandalous, outrageous, wicked, monstrous, heinous, atrocious, infamous, disgraceful, egregious

Ant: honourable, graceful, modest, gentle, famous, eminent, kind, kindly

14. Flamboyant

Syn: showy, ostentatious, boastful, pretentious

Ant: humble, modest, unpretentious, reserved, restrained

15. Frugality

Syn: Economical, Providence, thrift, parsimony

Ant: Lavishness, Extravagance, prodigality, improvidence

16. Frivolous

Syn: petty, worthless, capricious, volatile

Ant: solemn, significant, essential, pertinent


syn: construct, produce, manipulate, build

Ant; destroy, dismantle, wreck,demolish


syn- opponent,antagonist, adversary,contender

ant-comrade, helper, friend, fellow


syn- weak,infirm, brittle,frail,feeble

ant- enduring, tough,robust,tenacious


syn- miniature,reproduction,replica,copy



syn- Dexterous, quick,skillful,effortless

ant- clumsy,slow,laborious,arduous

22. Fanatical

syn- narrow- minded, stubborn, orthodox, biased

ant – liberal, tolerant,unprejudiced, generous

23. Fickle

syn- wavering,unsteady, unreliable, unsteady,volatile

ant -resolute, determined, inalterable, invariable

24. Feud

syn- strife,quarrel,row,contention

ant- fraternity,harmony,reconciliation, recompose

25. Fatigue

syn- weariness,Exhaustion, exertion,tiredness

ant-vigour, liveliness, vivacity,briskness

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