Synonyms and Antonyms ‘G’

Synonyms and Antonyms


Synonyms: talk, chat, gossip, chatter, jabber, prattle, gabble

Antonyms: silence, taciturnity, muteness, uncommunicative, quiet, reserved, reticence

2. Gainsay

Synonyms: deny, contradict, dispute, controvert, reject

Antonyms: affirm, endorse, testify, ratify, asset, vouch, declare

3. Grotesque

Syn: odd, unnatural, ugly, absurd, ludicrous, fantastic, bizarre, strange

Ant: normal, natural, usual, sensible

3. Garnish

Syn: flavour(food), decorate(food), ornament, adorn, beautify, embellish

Ant: spoil, deface, destroy, erase, obliterate, ruin, harm, deteriorate, damage

4. Garrulous

Syn: talkative, loquacious, prolix, chattering, wordy, gibbering, babbling

Ant: quiet, reserved, silent, laconic, reticent, taciturn, shy, terse

5. Giddy

Syn: dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, doddering, shaky, uncertain, fanciful, unbalanced, inconstant

Ant: steady, solemn, serious, thoughtful, constant, stable, wise, attentive, prudent

6. Gigantic

Syn: huge, giant-like, monstrous, immense, colossal, enormous, vast, marvellous, great, stupendous, mammoth, massive

Ant: small, little, short, dwarfish, Lilliputian, diminutive, abridged, limited, shortened

7. Glamour

Syn: charm, attraction, fascination, beauty, shine, magic, aura, enchantment, spell, glow

Ant: repulsiveness, abomination, darkness, gloominess

8. Gloomy

Syn: dark, dismal, bleak, sad, depressed, sullen, dejected, depressing, lurid, morose

Ant: joyous, joyful, gay, merry, rejoicing, happy, exulting, lively, jolly

9. Gratify

Syn: please, satisfy, satiate, fondle, grant, coddle, placate

Ant: displease, dissatisfy, offend, deprive, provoke, mock, taunt, ridicule, scoff, blame, censure, vex, disgust.


Syn: Cheerful, pleasant, joyful, affable

ant: deceptive, spurious, imitative, derivative

11. Gallant

syn : heroic, intrepid, valorous, chivalrous

ant:coward,timid, craven,base


syn: garish, brilliant,glittering,tawdry

ant: faded, dull, store,solemn

13. Glut

syn: stuff, satiate, overflow,cram

ant:reduce, abstain, moderate, restrain


syn: disgusting, atrocious, monstrous, loathsome

ant: pleasing,attractive, beautiful, alluring


syn: cunning, deceit,duplicity,chicanery

ant: honesty, frankness, sincerity, integrity

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