Synonyms and Antonyms ‘H’

Synonyms and Antonyms


Synonyms: common, stale, trite, common, quotidian, stereotyped

Antonyms : new, fresh, original, creative Ant: novel, fresh

2. Hamper

Syn: shackle, clog, hinder, hinder, impede, obstruct, deter, stop

Ant: release, accelerate, expedite, accelerate, speed up, propel, trigger

3. Hapless

Synonyms: unfortunate, unlucky, woeful, miserable, wretched, ill-fated

Antonyms: lucky, fortunate, privilege, favoured, blessed, forfuitous

4. Harbour

Synonyms: shelter, lodge, dwell

Antonyms: eject, banish, remove


Syn: concord, agreement, accord

Ant: discord, disagreement

6. Hazardous

Syn: adventurous, bold, dangerous, threatening

Ant: timid, safe, protected, safeguarded

7. Heartily

Syn: cordially, ardently

Ant: insincere, cold

8. Heed

Syn: mind, pay attention

Ant: disregard, neglect

9. Herculean

Syn: laborious, colossal, difficult

Ant: slight, easy, simple

10. Homogeneous

Syn: uniform, similar, pure

Ant: heterogeneous, mixed

11. Hobby

Syn: avocation, pastime, sport, recreation

Ant: business, labour, livelihood, profession

12. Humane

Syn: gentle, kind

Ant: cruel, ungentle

13. Hostile

Syn: bellicose, unfriendly

Ant: cordial, friendly, tolerant

14. Humility

Syn: humbleness, modesty

Ant: pride, arrogance

15. Humorous

Syn: comic, comical, funny, jocular, witty

Ant: gloomy, dull, sedate

16. Husky

Syn: beefy, stocky,

Ant: thin, lean, weak

17. Hypocrisy

Syn: deceit, imposture

Ant: honesty, sincerely

18. Hypocritical

Syn: treacherous, disloyal, false, traitorous

Ant: candid, honest, loyal, moral, sincere

19. Heinous

Syn: atrocious, hateful, abominable, odious, reprehensible, nefarious, wicked, profligate, immoral, bad, evil, vile, outrageous, infamous, awful, terrible

Ant: virtuous, moral, good, praiseworthy, chaste, saintly, ethical, spiritual, glorious, elevated, dignified

20. Hiatus

Syn: break, gap, interruption. pause, opening, cleft, rift, space, blank, void, interval, crevice, lacuna

Ant: mend, patch, repair, improvement, correction, betterment

21. Hideous

Syn: ugly, frightful, ghastly, dreadful-horrible, grim, corps-like, cadaverous, repulsive

Ant: beautiful, lovely, attractive, charming, delightful, lovable

22. Humbug

Syn: deception, fraud, delusion, trick, imposter, cheater, fraud, deceiver, betrayer, beguiler, entrapper, ensnarer

Ant: advisor, counsellor, assistant, helper, assurer

23. Hustle

syn: hurry, haste, bustle,activity

ant: lull, quiet, idle,motionless

24. Heretic

syn: nonconformist, secularist, dissident, offender

ant: comfortable, adaptable, religious, believer

25. Haughty

syn: arrogant, pompous, obstinate, imperious

ant: humble, submissive, modest, inoffensive

26. Haphazard

syn: random, sudden, unsorted, reckless

ant: deliberate,considered, thoughtful,discerning


syn: unfortunate, ill-fated, hostile, doomed

ant: fortunate, lucky, favoured, satisfied


syn: retard, prevent, hinder, obstruct

ant: promote, faciliate, foster, assist

29. Homely

syn: plain,coarse, unadorned, simple

ant: sauve, polished,dignified, refined

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