Synonyms and Antonyms ‘I’

Synonyms and Antonyms asked in various exams specially, in SSC, Bank exams.

Synonyms and Antonyms


Synonyms: imperceptible, incomprehensible, unknowable, intangible, vague, obscure, shadowy

Antonyms: Palpable, perceptible, comprehensible, tangible, solid, definite, material, knowable, clear

2. Impasse

Synonyms: deadlock, standstill, stalemate, stoppage, halt, cessation, tie

Antonyms: progress, movement, improvement, breakthrough, headway, growth, passage

3. Impeach

Synonyms: accuse, blame, charge, discredit, condemn, denounce, censure, impugn, account, admonish, chide, dishonour

Antonyms: vindicate, defend, approve, protect, favour, support, admire, praise, applaud, laud, eulogize, honour, appreciate

4. Impeccable

Synonyms: flawless, perfect, spotless, immaculate, faultless, accurate, irreproachable, unblemished, pure, exemplary, innocent

Antonyms: faulty, defective, imperfect, blameworthy, flawed, erroneous, incorrect, wrong, fallacious, invalid, weak

5. Imperative

Syn: urgent, essential, unavoidable, commanding, compulsory, obligatory, mandatory, requisite, exigent, peremptory, authoritative, dictator

Ant: optional, discretionary, deliberate, discretional, voluntary, intentional, free

6. Imperil

Syn: endanger, peril, jeopardize, expose, venture, risk, hazard, chance

Ant: protect, guard, watch, preserve, safeguard, defent, secure, shield

7. Imperious

Syn: commanding, haughty, arrogant, tyrannical, overbearing, urgent, imperative, authoritative, assertive, swaggering Ant: obsequious, subservient, servile, mean, abased, pliant, soapy, oily, sycophantic

8. Impertinent

Syn: impudent, saucy, rude, insolent, boor, inappropriate, coarse, vulgar, abusive, contemptuous

Ant: polite, meek, humble, gentle, refined, courteous, polished, respectful, submissive, pleasant

9. Impervious

Syn: impenetrable, impregnable, unaffected, uninfluenced, impermeable, resistant, obdurate

Ant: penetrable, pregnable, permeable, open, susceptible, sensitive, exposed

10. Impromptu

Syn: extempore, without preparation, offhand, spontaneous, improvised, off the cuff, impulsive

Ant: rehearsed, premeditated, deliberate, forethought, planned, considered

11. Improvident

Syn: wasteful, imprudent, incautious, heedless, careless, prodigal, lavish, extravagant, thriftless, unthrifty, spendthrift

Ant: provident, judicious, careful, cautious, wary, sagacious, far-sighted, economical, thrifty, vigilant, prudent

12. Imprudent

Syn: unscrupulous, foolish, indiscreet, unwise, rash, impetuous, silly, heedless, hasty

Ant: prudent, wise, careful, thoughtful, sagacious, heedful, cautious, alert, cool, sensible

13. Inception

Syn: start, beginning, origin, initiation, opening, onset, outset, commencement

Ant: end, close, finish, complete, termination, completion

14. Incessant

Syn: uninterrupted, continuous, perpetual, eternal, unending, ceaseless, unremitting, endless, continual interminable

Ant: occasional, intermittent, recurrent, periodic, accidental irregular

15. Inclement

Syn: severe, harsh, stormy, unkind, cruel, merciless, pitiless

Ant: mild, soft, kind, benevolent, generous, pitiful, merciful

16. Incongruous

Syn: out of place, not corresponding, disagreeing, incongruent, inconsistent, absurd, discordant, conflicting, different, repugnant, discrepant

Ant: accordant, suitable, matched, consistent, harmonious, agreeing, compatible, homogeneous, uniform, unchanging, corresponding

17. Infernal

Syn: hellish, devilish, diabolical, satanic, malicious, atrocious, accursed, wicked, fiendish

Ant: heavenly, angelic, diving, pure, cherubic, seraphic, holy, sacred, consecrated

18. Infructuous

Syn: flowerless, fruitless, good for nothing, useless, barren, infertile, unproductive

Ant: Fruitful, productive, flowerful, useful, fertile, profitable, advantageous

19. Inimical

Syn: hostile, pernicious, antagonistic, unfavourable, opposed, contrary, pernicious, destructive, harmful

Ant: favourable, friendly, welcoming, sociable, kind

20. Innate

Syn: inborn, natural, instinctive, inherent, intrinsic, inbred, inwrought, immanent, congenital, ingrained, native, latent, internal

Ant: superfluous, redundant, superficial, extrinsic, unnatural, learned, acquired, superimposed, casual, external

21. Innocuous

Syn: harmless, safe, innoxious, innocent, inoffensive, beneficial, salubrious, tonic, wholesome, healthy, hygienic

Ant: harmful, injurious, poisonous, noxious, deleterious, malefic, maleficent, toxic, deadly

22. Inopportune

Syn: inconvenient, unsuitable, untimely, unseasonable, unfavourable, inauspicious, inappropriate, unfit

Ant: timely, convenient, suitable, seasonable, opportune, fortunate, auspicious, favourable, felicitous, appropriate, propitious, fit, happy

23. Inqiuistive

Syn: curious, eager for knowledge, searching, scrutinizing, prying, inquiring, intrusive, meddlesome, aggressive

Ant: careless, supine, negligent, indifferent, bashful, backward, neglectful

24. Insidious

Syn: treacherous, crafty, cunning, artful, foxy, vulpine, tricky, elusive, wily, feline, sly, knave

Ant: open, frank, aboveboard, candid, sincere, honest, plain, fair, honourable, guileless, naïve

25. Insolent

Syn: insulting, offensive, presumptuous, abrasive, impudent, rude, unmannerly, arrogant, bold, haughty, bumptious, saucy

Ant: fawning, abject, servile, slavish, parasitic, beggarly, abased, cowardly

26. Insolvent

Syn: bankrupt, ruined, impoverished, penniless, destitute, impecunious, money -less, beggared, poverty-stricken, fleeced, stripped

Ant: solvent, opulent, affluent, wealthy, independent, rich, substantial, propertied, comforted, well-to-do

27. Integral

Syn: complete, whole, entire, necessary (for completeness), basic, essential, full, undivided, fundamental, intrinsic, indispensable

Ant: additional, unnecessary, extra, redundant, superfluous, spare, reserve, more, ancillary, auxiliary, supplementary

28. Intervene

Syn: interfere, intrude, meddle, inhibit, obstruct, impede, hinder, hamper, interpose, step in, intercede, arbitrate, mediate, happen, occur, take place, ensue, befall

Ant: keep off, shun, hang back, refrain from, ignore, avoid, stay away, turn back to.

29. Intimate

Syn: close, familiar, private, personal, detailed, deep, affectionate, friendly, confidential

Ant: distant, remote, formal, conventional, ceremonious, strange, unfamiliar

30. intractable

Syn: uncontrolled, unbridled, unrestrained, stubborn, obstinate, free, refractory, firm, stiff, unyielding, ungovernable, unmanageable, indocile, unruly

Ant: docile, meek, mild, humble, gentle, yielding, submissive, calm, quiet, obedient

31. Intrinsic

Syn: innate, inborn, instinctive, natural, real, true, not learned, genuine, honest, radical, native

Ant: extrinsic, extraneous, external, foreign, unnatural, by chance, fortuitous, casual, accidental, ventitious

32. Inundate

Syn: flood, overflow, overspread, deluge, swamp, drown, submerge, engulf, overwhelm

Ant: drain, dry, empty, pump out, evacuate, remove, draw off, tap

33. Invidious

Syn: pinching, odious, hateful, malignant, obnoxious, troublesome, painful, irksome, envious, wearisome, annoying

Ant: pleasant, pleasurable, delightful, gratifying, consoling, comforting, soothing, cordial, delectable, attractive, benevolent

34. Invigorate

Syn: strengthen, encourage, vitalise, animate, enliven, brace, refresh, stimulate, vivify, embolden, harden, energize

Ant: weaken, Debilitate, enervate, devitalize, attenuate, injure, cripple, reduce

35. Itinerary

Syn: guidebook, route, guide, circuit, time table, journey, plan, schedule, programme, course, tour, trip

Ant: immobility, inaction, rigidity, stagnation, quiescence, inertness.

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