Synonyms and Antonyms ‘J’

Synonyms and Antonyms

Syn: danger, risk, loss, harm, trouble, endangerment, hazard, peril, risk,
venture, exposure, insecurity, liability, precariousness, uncertainty
Ant: protection, safety, security, certainty, surety, preservation, conservation
escape, refuge, asylum

Syn: lamentation, mourning, wailing, moaning, moan, lament, grief, dirge,
complaint, pliant, sorrow
Ant: rejoicing, exultation, revelry, pleasure, gratification, exhilaration, delight,
cheer, cheerfulness

Syn: rejoicing, exultant, gay, celebrating, boastful, joyous, cheerful, happy,
Ant: gloomy, sorrowful, downcast, dejected, sad, disappointed, joyless,despondent, cheerless, melancholy, unhappy

Syn: wise, prudent, thoughtful, sensible, discreet, intelligent, circumspect,
sagacious, cautious, discerning, wary, well-guided, well-judged, rational
Ant: silly, foolish, idiotic, fatuous, irrational, maudlin, nonsensical, anile,
puerile, inept, injudicious, ill-advised, ill-judged

Syn: young, youthful, immature, boyish, childish, girlish, babyish,
adolescent, undeveloped, tender, growing, callow, infantile,
Ant: old, senile, hoary, decrepit, withered, senescent, doting,
wrinkled, venerable, antiquated, superannuated

Syn: place side by side, associate, co-relate
Ant: dissociate, separate, segregate


Synonyms – frolicsome, cherry, merry, exultant

Antonyms – solemn, morose, malcontent, sad


Synonyms – dull, boring, uninteresting, monotonous

Antonyms -Interesting, exciting, piquant, thrilling

9. Jaded

Synonyms – tired, exhausted, fatigued, languish

Antonyms – renewal, recreation, restorative, refreshed

10. Just

Synonyms – honest, impartial, righteous

Antonyms – unfair, unequal, discriminatory.

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