Synonyms and Antonyms ‘K’

Synonyms and Antonyms


Synonyms- sharp, strong, deep, sensitive, acute, responsive, acrid, bitter, eager, poignant, vivid, lively, sagacious, witty

Antonyms- blunt, dull, thick, lazy, stupid, pointless, insipid, sluggish, slothful, careless

2. Knave

Synonyms- scoundrel, villain, criminal, rascal, rogue, fraud, miscreant, duplicate

Antonyms- moralist, hero, innocent, benefactor, idealist,paragon.

3. Kudos

Synonyms- honour, glory, grace, praise, credit, fame, renown, prestige, acclaim, encomium, appreciation

Antonyms- disgrace, dishonour, discredit, shame, humiliation, disrepute, ignominy, opprobrium.

4. Kindred

Synonyms-relation, species, relative, affinity

Antonyms – unrelated, dissimilar, heterogeneous, disparate

5. Knell

Synonyms – demolish, suppress, last blow, death knell

Antonyms – reconstruction, rediscovery, procreation, resurrection

6. Knotty

Synonyms – complicated, difficult, arduous, onerous

Antonyms – simple, manageable, tractable, flexible

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