Synonyms and Antonyms ‘L’

Synonyms and Antonyms

  1. Lampoon
    Syn: Satire, obloquy, tirade, invective, reproach, abuse, innuendo, jermaid
    Ant: approval, approbation, praise, applause, adulation, encomium,
    eulogium, acclaim

2. Latent
Syn: hidden, invisible, concealed, dormant, unknown, secret, imperceptible,
implicit, unperceived, unseen, recondite, torpid, mystic, cryptic
Ant: obvious, distinct, clear, open, plain, exposed, evident, explicit,
perceptible, visible, undisguised, definite

3. Lethal
Syn: fatal, harmful, deadly, deathly, mortal, poisonous, noxious, dangerous,
devastating, destructive
Ant: Harmless, innocuous, safe, non-toxic, inoffensive, innocent, gentle

4. Lavity
Syn: thoughtlessness, frivolity, jocular, lightness, flippancy, gaiety,
Ant: solemnity, austerity, gravity, sobriety, thoughtfulness, seriousness

5. Licentious
Syn: immoral, lascivious, libertine, libidinous, wanton, profligate, lustful,
Ant: virtuous, chaste, moral, upright, pure

6. Lissome
Syn: limber, lithe, elastic, flexible, supple, plaint, ductile, limp, flaccid, flabby,

Ant: stiff, hard, tense, rigid, inflexible, tight, solid, thick, taut, unbending,

7. Ludicrous
Syn: ridiculous, comical, odd, funny, farcical, bizzare, outlandish, absurd
Ant: serious, solemn, sad, pensive, terrible, mornful, grim, sedate

8. Lugubrious
Syn: mournful, dismal, gloomy, sad, sorrowful, complaining, doleful,
depressing Melancholy
Ant: cheerful, gay, happy, jovial, jubilant, lively, vivacious, joyous, merry

9. Lurid
Syn: shining, dazzling, glaring, gruesome, horrible, appalling, revolting,
violent, intense, grisly, shocking, vivid, sensational, bloody, loud
Ant: dull, dim, dark, pleasant, pleasing, calm, scerene

10. Luscious
Syn: tasty, sweet, attractive, palatable, fragrant, juicy, adorned, voluptuous,
delicious, , succulent, ambrosial, aromatic, appetizing, delightful, pleasurable,
Ant: dry, revolting, abhorrent, abominable, hideous, disgusting, nauseous,
nauseating, repulsive, sickening

11. Lustre/Luster
Syn: brightness, glory, fame, honour, grandeur, brilliancy, glossiness, gloss,
glow, effulgence, luminosity
Ant: Darkness, gloom, obscurity, murkiness, murk, shadow, shade, dimness,
dishonour, disgrace

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