Synonyms and Antonyms For SSC and Other Competitive Exams

List of Synonyms and Antonyms


Synonyms: touchable, tangible, clear, plain, obvious, perceivable, discernible, visible, evident, perceptible, conspicuous, distinct, prominent

Antonyms: obscure, hidden, latent, recondite, implied, involved, intricate, complex, imperceptible

2. paradigm

Synonyms: type,, pattern, model, example, specimen, sample, epitome, prototype, archetype, exemplar, form, class, category, classification, variety, subdivision

Antonyms: opposite, reverse, counter, contradistinction

3. Paragon

Synonyms: model, epitome, archetype, prototype, ideal, masterpiece, standard, jewel, pattern, quintessence

Antonyms: filth, worst, rubbish,scum,garbage

4. Paraphernalia

Synonyms: equipment, belongings, trappings, apparatus, impedimenta, property, tackle, gear

Antonyms: lack, need,want,abstract,ignorance

5. Pariah

Synonyms: outcast, wretch, castaway, vagrant, vagabond

Antonyms: good man, paragon, gentleman, celebrity, demigod

6. Parochial

Synonyms: limited, narrow, provincial, insular, narrow-minded, restricted, illiberal, petty, prejudiced, limited

Antonyms: broad, cosmopolitan, universal, international, broad-minded, worldly, world-wise, secular

7. Pauper

Syn: poor person, beggar, insolvent, bankrupt, indigent, mendicant,

Ant: rich person, solvent, wealthy person

8. Pedantic

Syn: erudite, bookish, academic, formal, dogmatic, pompous, puristic, precise, exact, punctilious, fussy, hairsplitting, studious, scholarly

Ant: Illiterate, unlearned, unlettered, uncultured, untaught, uneducated

9. Pensive

Syn: meditating, thinking, meditative, thoughtful, dreamy, grave, serious, sober, solemn, sad, mournful, melancholy, musing, wondering, absentminded, preoccupied

Ant: careless, carefree, light-hearted, cheery, cheerful, happy, easy-going, breezy, blithe, untroubled, unworried, unconcerned

10. Perfunctory

Syn: unwilling, careless, hasty, superficial, indifferent, uninterested, unenthusiastic

Ant: willing, careful, diligent, interested, enthusiastic, watchful, alert, cautious

11. Perilous

Syn: dangerous, hazardous, risky, unsafe, vulnerable, precarious, insecure
Ant: safe, secure, invulnerable

12. Perky

Syn: lively, active, cheerful, vigorous, jaunty, pert, cocky, tidy, animated, trim, irrepressible, chipper

Ant: dull, sad, gloomy, inactive, sullen, depressed, dejected, melancholy

13. Persecution

Syn: punishment, unkind treatment, harassment, oppression, affliction, abuse, molestation, victimization, castigation, torture

Ant: reward, remuneration, recompensation, compensation, benefit, help, aid, assistance, support, favour

14. Perspicacious

Syn: perceptive, discerning, keen, sharp, acute, shrewd, astute, penetrating, clever, intelligent, sagacious

Ant: dull, doltish, foolish, silly, unintelligent, stupid, blunt, dulled, obstuse, inactive, slow, insensible,

15. Pertinent

Syn: relevant, material, appropriate, fit, proper, fitting, applicable, apropos, germane

Ant: impertinent, irrelevant, immaterial, different, opposed, unrelated, separate

16. Pester

Syn: annoy, worry, vex, tease, torment, bother, provoke, heckle, nettle, harass, trouble

Ant: comfort, soothe, please, flatter, cheer, calm, assuage, mitigate, conciliate

17.Philanthropic /Philanthropical

Syn: kind, benevolent, humanitarian, considerate, liberal, generous, humane, good, kind-hearted, munificent, charitable

Ant: misanthropic, antisocial, pitiless, cruel, tyrannical, grouchy, miserly, niggardly

18. Pilfer

Syn: steal, embezzle, peculate, purloin, rob, filch, nick

Ant: restore, compensate, requite, repay, refund, indemnify, return, give back, replace, reinstate

19. Pioneer

Syn: colonist, founding father, developer, explorer, front, founder, innovator, settler, leader, trail-blazer, originator, launcher, creator

Ant: follower, supporter, successor, disciple

20. Pious

Syn: religious, sacred, holy, devout, pure, upright, devotional, saintly, spiritual, humble

Ant: impious, sinful, profane, wicked, evil, sacrilegious, unholy, irreligious

21. Piquant

Syn: pungent, offensive, irritable, bitter, spicy, acrid, trenchant, caustic, impressive, high-flavoured, spirited, bright, lively, charming, palatable, tasty

Ant: unsavoury, unpalatable, insipid, tasteless, sweet, dull, dry, languid, prosaic

22. Pique

Syn: angry, annoy, irritate, excite, hurt, wound, arouse, provoke, incite, pride, heckle, bother, pester, displease, dissatisfy

Ant: please, delight, attract, charm, allure, fascinate, captivate, propitiate, satisfy

23. Pivotal

Syn: central, focal, key, chief, essential, main, cordinal, primary, fundamental, principal, important

Ant: peripheral, marginal, secondary, unimportant, circumferencial

24. Pledge

Syn: pawn, security, vow, promise, sign, token, guarantee, contract, affirmation, bond, oath, agreement, surety, deposit, warrantee

25. Pliable.

Syn: flexible, yielding, adapting, plaint, compliant, docile, ductile, soft, weak, wavering

Ant: hard, hardened, unyielding, tough, firm, resolute, determined, obstinate

26. Plunder

Syn: rob, loot, spoil, pillage, steal, ransack, rifle, sack, maraud, devastate, ravage, raid, despoil, strip

Ant: give, provide, return, compensate, re-compensate, deliver, award, supply, present

27. Poignant

Syn: keen, piercing, acute, pungent, biting, mordant, sharp, intense, bitter, painful

Ant: dull, soothing, pleasant

28. Ponder

Syn: consider, meditate, contemplate, cogitate, study, think, reflect, muse, examine, weigh, ruminate, deliberate, wonder

Ant: ignore, overlook, neglect, skip, pass over, snub, cut


Syn: forecast, prediction, premonition, outlook, prognostication, projection, speculation, prospect-diagnosis, expectation, prophecy, augrury, divination, revelation

Ant: record, reality, truth, fact, chronicle, history, testimony, witness

30. Pragmatic

Syn: dogmatic, conceited, practical, busy, active, officious, meddlesome, realistic, sensible, interfering, intrusive, opinionated, practicable, businesslike

Ant: impractical, undogmatic, idealistic, visionary, impracticable, inapplicable, unworkable, unserviceable, wild

31. Precarious

Syn: uncertain, insecure, unstable, unsteady, unsafe, baseless, risky, perilous, dangerous, dubious, equivocal

Ant: certain, sure, assured, steady, stable, real, settled, infallible, immutable

32. Predicament

Syn: crisis, exigency, puzzle, perplexity, imbroglio, impasse, deadlock, mess, muddle, quandary, plight, straint, qualm, dilemma

Ant: resolution, firmness, confidence, certainty, satisfaction, comfort, fixity, ease, decision, content, calmness, contentment

33. Presage

Syn: omen, foreboding, presentiment, foreshadow, forecast,prediction, prognostication

Ant: realisation, conception, understanding, feeling

34. Presumptuous

Syn: too bold, overconfident, arrogant, insolent, rash, impudent, bumptious, supercilious, imperious, contumelious

Ant: modest, backward, retiring, humble, timid, meek, lowly, servile, obsequious, slavish, abject

35. Pretext

Syn: reason, excuse, pretence, simulation, semblance, appearance, cloak, guise, mask, cover, ruse, ploy, claim, allegation

Ant: truth, candour, honesty, fact, plainness, exactness, veracity, naivete, reality, fairness

36. Primitive

Syn: primordial, primeval, ancient, savage, uncivilized, unsophisticated, original, aboriginal, pristine, early,first, primary, simple, crude, rough, prehistoric, archaic, old-fashioned

Ant: modern, contemporary, current, recent, latest, novel, fresh, sophisticated, polished, cultured, mannered, gracious

37. Pristine

Syn: original, primitive, ancient, primary, primal, primeval, primordial, earliest, first, pure, immaculate, virgin, undefiled, uncorrupted, untouched, new, fresh

Ant: later, latest, last, modern, recent, second, last, mentioned, impure, defiled, corrupted, old, deflowered, polluted, contaminated

38. Prodigal

Syn: extravagant, spendthrift, lavish, abundant, careless, reckless, wasteful, thriftless, improvident, generous

Ant: economical, frugal, careful, miserly, close-fisted, niggardly

39. Prodigy

Syn: marvel, wonder, miracle, scholar, extraordinary, spectacle, freak, enormity, curiosity, monster, monstrosity

Ant: normalcy, regularity, commonness, generality, universality

40. Profligate

Syn: immoral, dissolute, prodigal, extravagant, immoral, disgraceful, infamous, vile, evil, heinous, villainous, perfidious, wicked

Ant: noble, virtuous, upright, moral, magnanimous, economical, refined, modest, pure, innocent, decent, god-fearing

41. Profound

Syn: deep, great, intense, extreme, fathomless, mysterious, abstruse, intellectual, sagacious

Ant: shallow, light, slight, superficial, erratic, simple, silly, foolish

42. Prolix

Syn: tedious, tiring, long, wordy, verbose, lengthy, prolonged, diffuse, wearisome, prosy, prosaic

Ant: short, clear, precise, compact, succint, sentencious, axiomatic, epigrammatic

43. Prominent

Syn: celibrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, important, renowned, outstanding, leading

Ant: insignificant, unimportant, unknown, common, inconspicuous, ordinary

44. Propinquity

Syn: nearness, similarity, proximity, kinship, likeness, closeness, contiguity, adjacency, vicinity

Ant: distance, farness, space, range, extent, remoteness, length, width

45. Propitiate

Syn: appease, atone, calm, assuage, pacifly, molligy, reconcile, conciliate, gratify, fascinate

Ant: Excite, annoy, anger, mock, scoff, taunt, aggravate, irritate, provoke

46. Proscribe

Syn: forbid, banish, exile, condemn, denounce, outlaw, prohibit, restrict, shun, bar, exclude

Ant: invite, welcome, entreat, implore, induce, approve, support, praise, honour

47. Prowess

Syn: valour, courage, ability, bravery, intrepidity, boldness, heroism, chivalry, manliness, hardihood, grit

Ant: fear, trepidation, cowardice, cowardliness, timidity,uncertainty

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