Synonyms and Antonyms For SSC and Other Competitive Exam.

List of Synonyms and Antonyms ‘R’


Synonyms: raging, furious, angry, violent, uncontrolled, wide, abrupt, impetuous, turbulent, boisterous, unruly, lewd, libidinous,

Antonyms: mild, gentle, meek, modest, calm, submissive, tolerant, virtuous, decorus, pure

2. Rancour

Synonyms: bitter resentment, ill will, animosity, malice, hatred, hostility, malevolence, bitterness, antipathy, aversion, vindictiveness, malignity, spite

Antonyms: friendship, love, brotherhood, fraternity, regard, sympathy, favouritism

3. Ransack

Synonyms: search, plunder, pillage, seek, raid, loot, spoil, despoil, overhaul, ravish

Antonyms: restore, return, recoup, repair, compensate, atone, reinstate, make good

4. Rapacious

Synonyms: greedy, grasping, avaricious, varacious, ravenous, insatiable, plundering, predatory, pradacious, marauding

Antonyms: abstemious, abstinent, ascetic, satiable, moderate, temperate, satisfied

5. Ratification

Synonyms: confirmation, approval, affirmation, support, endorsement, indorsement, sanction, certification, corroboration

Antonyms: refusal, disapproval, renunciation, contradiction, refutation, denial, protest

6. Ravage

Synonyms: pillage, overrun, crush, destroy, devastate, despoil, desolute, waste, wreck, demolish, disrupt, annihilate, break up, smash, crash, shatter, ruin

Antonyms: upraise, uprear, upbuild, raise, build, rear, erect, set up, institute, mend, amend, improve, revive, replace, renovate, establish

7. Recluse

Synonyms: hermit, ascetic, anchorite, eremite, solitary, cenobite, anchoress, monk, num

Antonyms: Gregarious,Social

8. Recondite

Synonyms: esoteric, learned, erudite, profound, abstruse, deep, obscure, mystic, occult, hidden

Antonyms: popular, common, familiar, general

9. Recoup

Synonyms: indemnify, compensate, deduct, regain, reimburse, restore, remunerate, repay, guarantee, satisfy

Antonyms: fine, seize, grab, appropriate, apprehend, plunder, pillage, loot

10. Rectitude

Synonyms: uprightness, morality, righteousness, virtue, correctness, exactitude, goodness, probity, integrity, accuracy, honesty

Antonyms: corruption, immorality, vice, iniquity, sin, profligacy, dissolution, turpitude, degeneracy, decadence

11. Recuperate

Synonyms: recover, improve, mend, heal, ameliorate

Antonyms: decline, deteriorate, decrease, sink, fall, fail, languish, decay, waste away, degenerate, lessen, diminish

12. Remission

Syn: pardon, forgiveness, release, exoneration, acquittal, mitigation, alleviation, discharge, deliverance

Ant: prohibition, retention, persistence, command, conviction, imprisonment, suppression

13. Remote

Syn: far, distant, far off, removed, secluded, out of the way, slight, faint, unlikely, far off, abstracted, indirect, aloof

Ant: near, proximate, nigh, close, adjacent,, adjoining, related, bordering, cognate, congenial, approximate

14. Repine

Syn: complain, grumble, fret, pine, murmur, mope, moan, lament, sulk, brood

Ant: rejoice, exult, revel, cheer, delight, exhilarate, gladden, please

15. Replenish

Syn: refill, fill, complete, enrich, furnish, supply, stock, provide, replete

Ant: impoverish, deplete, drain, exhaust, ruin, beggar

16. Replete

Syn: filled, abundant, complete, stuffed, gorged, full, glutted, stated, surfeited, charged, abounding, fraught, stocked, exuberant

Ant: empty, starved, hungry, vacant, void, unoccupied, devoid, unfilled, discharged, exhausted, uninhabited

17. Reprehensible

Syn: condemnable, blamable, accusable, impeachable, indictable, chargeable, chargeable, censurable, reproachable, reprimandable

Ant: praiseworthy, appreciable, respectable, honourable, venerable, laudable, magnifiable

18. Reprisal

Syn: retaliation, vengeance, revenge, retribution, avenge, requital, counterstroke

Ant: forgiveness, pardon, remission, mercy, clemency, absolution

19. Repudiate

Syn: disown, dispossess, reject, cast off, refuse, reject, disavow, renounce, abjure, disclaim, expel, banish, divorce

Ant: acknowledge, affirm, avow, admit, profess, assert, approve, assent

20. Resilience

Syn: elasticity, flexibility, ductility, buoyance, pliability, irrepressibility, recoil, rebound, bounce

Ant: rigidity, stiffness, inflexibility, severity, frigidity

21. Restive

Syn: obstinate, stubborn, refractory, unrestrained, uncontrolled, unbridled, restless, uneasy, unruly, recalcitrant, rebellious, fretful, skillish, balky, fractious, fidgety, disobedient

Ant: quiet, docile, peaceable, submissive, tractable, yielding, gentle, obedient

22. Restraint

Syn: stoppage, checking, restraining, being restrained, loss, curtailment, limitation, suppression, hindrance abridgement

Ant: release, liberation, aid, animation, encouragement

23. Reticent

Syn: silent, reserved, taciturn, shy, coy, mute

Ant: prolix, talkative, forward, frank, candid, garrulous

24. Retribution

Syn: vengeance, revenge, deserved punishment, retaliation, penalty, reparation, reprisal, redress, reciprocation, compensation

Ant: clemency, forgiveness, mercy grace, kindness, compassion, lenience, lanity, tenderness, mildness, gentleness

25. Reverie

Syn: day-dreaming, day-dream, dream, fantasy, brown, study, trace, abstraction

Ant: attention, alertness, watchfulness, sincerity

26. Ribald

Syn: indecent, irreverent, coarse, mocking, obscene, lewd, lascivious, vulgar, low, mean, base, debased, dirty, filthy, uncouth, brutish, outlandish, vile

Ant: pure, decent, graceful, refined, polished, clean, pure, virtuous, modest

27. Robust

Syn: healthy, vigorous, hale, strong, sturdy, stalward, sinewy, lusty, muscular, stout

Ant: week, feeble, infirm, fragile, frail, puny, debilitated, nervous, languid

28. Rudimentary

Syn: basic, elementary, imperfect, undeveloped, primary, plain, simple, pure easy

Ant: difficult, intricate, complex, hard, involved, abstruse, complicated, confused, developed

29. Ruffian

Syn: brutal person, lawless, person, hoodlum, killer, gangster, thug, bully, rowdy, tough, mugger, rascal, desperado, roughneck, villain

Ant: saviour, redeemer, uplifter, virtuous man, honest man, benefactor, philanthropist

30. Rugged

Syn: rough, uneven sturdy, robust, tough looking, barbarous, discourteous, tempestuous, stormy, bumpy, ragged, wrinkled

Ant: smooth, glossy, silky, shiny, polished, glassy, unruffled, courteous, mild

31. Ruthless

Syn: cruel, pitiless, merciless, atrocious, tyrannical, savage, brutal, barbarous, inhuman, unkind

Ant: kind, generous, merciful, pitiful, soft, tender, placable, benevolent, cordial, benign, benignant

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