Sunga Dynasty

Sunga Dynasty came after Mauryan Dynasty. Established by Pushymitra Sunga Commander – in Chief in Briharidata.

Sunga Dynasty Period – 185 BC-73 BC

  • Capital – Vidisha(M.P)
  • Sunga Dynasty was established by Pushymitra Sunga, a Brahmin Commander – in – chief of last Mauryan ruler Briharidata in 185 BC.
  • Pushymitra Sunga was a staunch adhernt of orthodox Hinduism. However, the great Budhhist stupa at Bharhut(M.P) was built during the reign of Sungas.
  • Pushyamitra was succeeded by his son Agnimitra, the hero of Kalidasa’s drama Malvikaagnimitra.
  • After Agnimitra, a series of weak rulers such as Vasumitra, Vajramitra , Bhagabhadra, Devabhuti, followed, leading to the decline of Sunga Dynasty.
  • During their rule Their was a revival of Brahnmical Influence. The Bhagvata religion become important.
  • Patanjali author of the ‘Mahabhasya’, was born at Gonarda in Central India. Patanjali was the preist of 2 Asvamedha Yajnas, Perfomed by Pushymitra Sunga.
  • In Arts, the Bharhut stupa is the most famous monument of the Sunga Dynasty.
  • The fine gateway railing which suurounds, the sanchi stupa, built by Ashoka constructed during Sunga Period.
  • other examples of Sunga Art : Vihar, Chaitya and stupa of Bhaja(poona), Amaravati stupa, Nasika Chaitya etc.

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