World Organisations And Their Headquarters


International Organisation Headquarter Established Year
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Beijing, China 2015(open for business 2016)
New Development Bank (BRICS
Development Bank)
Shanghai, China 2014
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Mandaluyong, Philippines 1966
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Washington DC, US 1945
World Bank Washington DC, US 1944
United Nations Organization (UN) New York, US 1945
United Nations Children’s Fund(UNICEF) New York, US 1988
United Nations Conference on Trade &
Development (UNCTAD)
Geneva, Switzerland 1964
World Health Organization (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland 1948
World Economic Forum Geneva, Switzerland 1971
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Geneva, Switzerland 1955
World Trade Organisation Geneva, Switzerland 1947
World Meteorological Organisation Geneva, Switzerland 1950
World Intellectual Property
Geneva, Switzerland 1967
International Committee of the Red Cross Geneva, Switzerland
United Nations Educational Scientific &
Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
Paris, France 1945
Organisation for Economic Cooperation
& Development (OECD)
Paris, France 1961
International Atomic Agency Vienna, Austria 1957
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC)
Vienna, Austria 1960
Amnesty International London, UK 1961
International Maritime Organisation London, UK 1948
Commonwealth of Nations London, UK
South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC)
Kathmandu, Nepal 1985
Association of South East Nations
Jakarta, Indonesia 1967
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Singapore 1989
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Brussels, Belgium 1949
International Cricket Council (ICC) Dubai, UAE
Food & Agricultural Organisation (FAO) Rome, Italy
International Court of Justice The Hague, The
International Olympic Committee Lausanne, Switzerland
The Fédération Internationale de
Football Association (FIFA)
Zurich, Switzerland
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Avenue du Mont-Blanc,
Gland, Vaud, Switzerland
Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectoral Technical and Economic
Cooperation (BIMSTEC)
Dhaka, Bangladesh 1997
Indian Ocean Rim Association For Regional Cooperation(IORARC) Ebene, Mauritius 1997
Organisation Of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1969
Biotechnology Innovation Organization(BIO) Washington D.C., USA 1993
South Asian Wildlife Enforcement Network Kathmandu, Nepal 2011
International Council On Monuments And Sites(ICOMOS) Paris, France 1965
Internet Corporation For Assigned Names And Numbers(ICANN) Los Angeles, USA 1998
International Olympic Committee(IOC) Lausanne, Switzerland 1894
International Shooting Sports Federation(ISSF) Munich, Germany 1907
International Union For Conservation Of Nature(IUNC) Gland, Switzerland 1948

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