ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION ‘D’ For SSC and Other Competitive Exams.

One Words Substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams these previous years One Words Substitution help you in cracking exam.

List OF One word substitution ‘ D’

  • Dabbler- an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge
  • Dacoit- a member of an armed gang of robbers  
  • Dactylogy- the science of communicating by sign language using the hands and fingers.
  • Daft- informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
  • Dam- a barrier that is built across a river in order to stop the water from flowing
  • Damsel- a young unmarried woman
  • Dandy- a man unduly concerned with looking stylish and fashionable
  • Dangerous- likely to injure or harm somebody // likely to damage or destroy something
  • Daring- brave
  • Dark- with no or little light
  • Data- facts/information, especially when examined and used for finding out things/ for making decisions
  • Daughter- a female human offspring
  • Dawdle- to take a long time to do something/go somewhere
  • Dazzling- amazingly impressive
  • Deacon- a cleric ranking just below a priest in churches
  • Deadly- causing or likely to cause death
  • Deaf- lacking or deprive of the sense of hearing wholly or in part
  • Deal- an agreement  
  • Dean- an administrator in charge of a division of a university/college
  • Debacle- an event/a situation that is a complete failure and causes embarrassment // a breakup overthrow sudden disaster
  • Debasement- the fact of making something/ somebody less valuable/ respected
  • Debatable- capable of being disproved
  • Debate- a formal discussion of an issue expressing different opinions
  • Debauch- a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
  • Debauchery- immoral behaviour involving sex, alcohol or drugs
  • Debonair- fashionable and confident (of men)
  • Debut- the first public appearance of a performer/ sports player
  • Decadent- marked by excessive self
  • Deceit- the act of deceiving
  • Deceive- to cheat/fool/ trick/mislead
  • Decipher- to succeed in finding the meaning of something of that is difficult to read/ understand
  • Declaratory- relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration
  • Declare- to say something officially/ publicly // to state firmly and clearly
  • Decrepit- lacking bodily/ muscular strength/vitality
  • Defalcation- the sum of money that is misappropriated
  • Defamation- the act of damaging somebody’s reputation by saying/writing bad/false things about him orchestration (n.)
  • Defame- to harm somebody by saying/ writing bad/ false things about him
  • Defeatist- a person expecting not to succeed, and showing it in a particular situation
  • Defection- withdrawing support or help despite continued support for a political party, religion, ruler, etc.
  • Definite- known for certain
  • Deist- a person who believes in god, especially god that created the universe but does not part in it
  • Delectable- greatly pleasing
  • Delegate- to give part of your work, power or authority to somebody in a lower position than you
  • Delete- to remove something that has been written/printed/ stored on a computer
  • Deliberate- carefully thought out in advance // unhurried and with care and dignity
  • Deliberation- slow and careful movement or thought
  • Delible- capable of being deleted
  • Delicate- easily damaged or broken
  • Deliquesce- become liquid, typically during decomposition
  • Deluge- great flood heavy rush of water
  • Demagogue- a political leader who tries to win support by using arguments based on emotion rather than reason
  • Dementia- a serious mental disorder caused by brain disease/ injury, that affects the ability to think, remember and behave normally
  • Democracy- a country in which all the people of the country can vote to elect their representatives
  • Demography- the study of population
  • Den- the hidden home of some types of wild animals bear, lion, etc.
  • Denature- take away or alter the natural qualities of
  • Demonology- the scientific study of trees
  • Denigrate- criticize unfairly
  • Denigration- a belittling comment
  • Dentiloquent- talking through one’s teeth
  • Denude- lay bare
  • Departure- act of departing
  • Dependent- a person, especially a child, who depends on another person for a home, food, money, etc.
  • Depict- portray in words
  • Deponent- person who gives written testimony for use in a law court
  • Depose- force to leave
  • Depraved- morally corrupt
  • Deprecate- to feel and express strong disapproval
  • Depreciate- to become less valuable over a period of time
  • Depress- lessen the activity or force of
  • Depression- pushing down
  • Deprive- to prevent from having/ doing something important
  • Deprived- Child a child who is without enough food, education and all the things that are necessary for it to live a happy and comfortable life
  • Derelict- a person without a home, a job or property
  • Dereliction- willful negligence // the fact of deliberately not doing what you ought to do, especially when it is part of your job debacle
  • Derivative- copied from something else // not having new or original ideas
  • Dermatoglyphic- the study of the lines forming a skin pattern, on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
  • Dermatologist- a doctor who studies and treats skin diseases
  • Dermatology- the scientific study of skin diseases
  • Desert- large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing
  • Deserter- a person who abandons their duty (as on a military post)
  • Desertion- abandonment/ defection
  • Designate- to say officially that somebody/ something has a particular character/ name // to describe in a particular way
  • Designer- a person whose job is to decide how things such as clothes, furniture, tools, etc. will look or work by making drawings, plans/ patterns
  • Desistance- cessation of offending or other antisocial behavior.
  • Desolate- empty and without people, making you feel sad/ frightened
  • Despair- the feeling of having lost all hope
  • Desperate- showing extreme courage
  • Despicable- very unpleasant/evil
  • Despondency- feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless
  • Despotic- a ruler with great power, especially one uses it in a cruel way
  • Despotism- the rule of a ruler with great power, one who uses it in a cruel way
  • Dessert- a dish served as the last course of a meal
  • Destitute- a person without money, food and other things necessary for life
  • Destructionist- one who delights in destroying that which is valuable, or whose principles and influence tend to destroy existing institutions
  • Desultory- going from one thing to another, without a definite plan and without enthusiasm
  • Detect- to discover/notice something that is not easy to see, hear, etc.
  • Detective- a person, especially a police officer, whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals
  • Detention- a punishment in which a student must stay at school after others have gone home
  • Determination- the quality that makes you continue trying to do something even when this is difficult
  • Determine- to discover the facts to calculate exactly
  • Deterrence- the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences
  • Deterrent- a thing that makes somebody less likely to do something
  • Detestable- unequivocally detestable 
  • Detour- a longer route that you take in order to avoid a problem/to visit a place
  • Devious- behaving in a dishonest way / showing a skillful use of underhand tactics to achieve goals
  • Devotee- an ardent follower and admirer
  • Devotion- (usually plural) religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently)
  • Devout- devoutly religious
  • Dexterous- skillful with your hands
  • Diadem- a crown worn as a sign of royal power
  • Diagnose- to say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is
  • Diagnosis- identifying the nature or cause of some phenomena 
  • Dialogue- conversations in a look, play or film/movie
  • Diaspora- the movement of people from any nation or group away from their own country
  • Diatribe- a long and angry speech or piece of writing attacking and criticizing somebody/ something
  • Dictator- a person who behaves as if he had complete power over other people, and tells them what to do
  • Dictatorship- a form of government by a ruler who has complete power over a country, especially one who has gained it using military force
  • Dictionary- a book giving meaning of various words
  • Diffuse- spread over a wide area or between a large number of people
  • Dilapidated- old and in very bad condition (furniture and buildings)
  • Dilatory- not acting quickly enough 
  • Dilettante- a person who does or studies something but is not serious about it and does not have much knowledge / a dabbler in the art and literature
  • Diligent- showing care and effort in your work/duties
  • Ding-Dong- sound made by a bell
  • Diplomacy- skill in dealing with people in difficult situations without upsetting/offending them
  • Dipsomania- an intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess
  • Director- a person in charge of a particular activity/department in a company, a college, etc.
  • Dirge- a song sung in the past at a funeral or for a dead person
  • Disaffected- no longer satisfied with your situation, organisation, belief, etc. and therefore not loyal to it
  • Disaster- an act that has disastrous consequences
  • Discern- see with an effort but clearly
  • Disciple- pupil of a teacher/leader/philosopher.
  • Disciplinarian- a person who believes in using rules and punishment for controlling people
  • Discoverer- someone who is the first to observe something
  • Discrimination- the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in society less fairly than other
  • Disenfranchisement- the state of being deprived of a right or privilege, especially the right to vote.
  • Disgraceful- An act that makes feel morally bad or ashamed.
  • Disguise- the act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance
  • Disharmony- a lack of harmony
  • Dishonored- loss of honor, respect, or reputation.  
  • Disintegrate- break up into small parts as the result of impact or decay
  • Disloyalty- the quality of being unfaithful to your friends, family, country, etc.
  • Disparate- essentially different
  • Disparity- inequality or difference in some respect
  • Dispersal- the act of dispersing or diffusing something
  • Disperse- move away from each other
  • Dissidence- disagreement, especially with the government 
  • Dissident- a person who strongly agrees with and criticizes his government, in a country where this kind of action is dangerous
  • Dissipate- live a life or pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption
  • Dissolvent- a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances
  • Distant- apart in space
  • Distant- Land far-away land
  • Distort- alter the shape of (something) by stress 
  • Distracted- having the attention diverted especially because of anxiety
  • Diva- a distinguished female operatic singer
  • Divergent- tending to move apart in different directions 
  • Divider- someone who claims to discover hidden knowledge with the aid of supernatural powers
  • Divine- being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods
  • Divisible- that can be divided, usually with nothing remaining
  • Divulge- make known something secret
  • Docile- willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed 
  • Docility- the trait of being agreeably submissive and manageable
  • Dockyard- an area with docks (the place where ships are loaded and unloaded in a port) and equipment for building and repairing ships
  • Doctor- children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physician’s office
  • Document- an official paper/book that gives information
  • Documentary- a film/a radio/a television programme giving facts about something
  • Dolphin- any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout
  • Domestic- animals kept on farms or as pets
  • Domicile- Country treated as permanent home by an individual
  • Dominion- an area of land controlled by one ruler
  • Don Juan Casanova- a man who loves and has sex with many women
  • Donation- something that is given to a person/ an organisation such as a charity, in order to help him/it
  • Dong- sound made by a bell
  • Dormitory- a college or university building containing living quarters for students
  • Dorsal- situated on bank
  • Dossier- a collection of documents that contain information about a person, an event or a subject
  • Dotage- mental infirmity as a consequence of old age
  • Dotard- someone whose age has impaired (diminished in strength, quality or utility) intellect
  • Doubt- uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something
  • Downpour- a heavy fall of rain that often starts suddenly
  • Draft- a rough written version of something that is not got in its final form
  • Draught- a flow of cool air in a room or other confined space
  • Drawn- having the curtains or draperies closed or pulled shut
  • Dreamer- a person who has ideas/plans that are not practical/realistic
  • Driver- a person who drives a vehicle 
  • Drizzle- light fine rain
  • Dromomania- mania for travel
  • Drought- a long period of time when there is little or no rain
  • Drover- a person who moves groups of cows/ sheep from one place to another, especially to market
  • Druggist- a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
  • Dubious- doubtful / suspicious
  • Ductile- (a metal) that can be made into a thin wire
  • Dulcet- melodious harmonious
  • Dulcify- make sweeter in taste
  • Dumb- one who can’t speak
  • Dung- fecal matter of animals 
  • Duplex- a flat with rooms on two floors
  • Durable- existing for a long time
  • Dyke- a long thick wall that is built to stop water flooding onto a low area of land
  • Dynamism- energy and enthusiasm to make new things happen or to make things succeed
  • Dynasty- a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family

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