ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION ‘V’ For SSC and other competitive exams.

One word substitution asked in various exam specially, in SSC exams. These previous years one word substitution help you in cracking exam.Revise these One word substitution over and over because revision is the key to success.

List of One word Substitution

  • Vale -a long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river
  • Valise– a small overnight bag for short trips
  • Vandal -a person who deliberately destroys/damages public property
  • Vanguard– the position of greatest importance or advancement
  • Vaticide -killer of prophet
  • Vegetarianism -a diet excluding all meat and fish
  • Vehement -showing strong feeling
  • Veil- a garment that covers the head and face
  • Velodrome– track/ building used for cycle racing
  • Venal- prepared to do dishonest/immoral things in return for money
  • Vendetta -a long and violent disagreement between two families/groups, in which people are murdered in return for previous murders
  • Venerable– impressive by reason of age ,profoundly honoured
  • Venerate– regard with great respect
  • Veneration -regard with deep respect
  • Vengeful -seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury
  • Venial -a slight fault that can be forgiven.Ventral toward or on or near the belly (front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal)
  • Ventriloquist -one who has the art of speaking in such a way that the sound seems to come from another person/place.
  • Veracious– habitually speaking the truth /precisely accurate
  • Veracity -conformity to facts
  • Verbalism– a phrase/sentence having little or no meaning // the way in which something is said
  • Verbalization -expressing something in words
  • Verbatim– exactly as spoken/written // word for word
  • Verbiage– the use of too many words or of more difficult words than are needed to express an idea
  • Verbose– using/containing more words than are needed
  • Verbosity– using or containing more words than are needed.
  • Verdict– a decision that is made by a jury in a court
  • Verger -an official whose job is to take care of the inside of a church and to perform some simple duties during church services
  • Verminous -covered with verminany of various small animals/ insects that are pests eg. cockroaches, rats, etc.
  • Versal- relating to a style of ornate capital letter used to start a verse, paragraph, etc., in a manuscript
  • Versatile -able to do many things
  • Vespers– evening prayer in church
  • Veteran– a person who has a lot of experience in a particular area/activity
  • Vile– morally reprehensible
  • Vindicate– to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something
  • Vindication– the act of vindicating or defending against criticism or censure etc.
  • Vindictive -one who is determined to take full revenge for wrongs done to him.
  • Violation -an act that disregards an agreement or a right
  • Virago -a loud domineering woman a scold or nag
  • Virement- the process of transferring items from one financial account to another.
  • Virology– the scientific study of viruses and diseases caused by them
  • Virtuoso -someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
  • Virulent– of a disease or poison extremely severe or harmful in its effects
  • Virus– a living thing too small to be seen without a microscope that causes infectious diseases in people, animals and plants
  • Viscous -sticky/semi-fluid
  • Visionary– original and showing the ability to think about/plan the future with great imagination and intelligence
  • Visitor -a person who visits a place or a person
  • Vivacious- having a lively, attractive personality.
  • Vocalist -a singer, especially in a pop, rock/jazz band
  • Vocation -the particular occupation for which you are trained
  • Volatile -a substance easily evaporated at normal temperatures.
  • Volition -the faculty or power of using one’s will.
  • Volley– a lot of bullets, stones, arrows etc. that are fired/ thrown at the same time
  • Voluntarily– without being forced
  • Voluntary -doing a job without waiting to be paid
  • Volunteer-a person who does a job without being paid for it /a person who offers to do something without being forced to do it
  • Voracious -eating or wanting large amounts of food
  • Vulgar -conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
  • Vulnerability -the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed
  • Vulnerable– weak and easily hurt physically/ emotionally
  • Vulpicide -act of killing a fox
  • Vulpine -of or like a fox

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